**Reviving an old interest check from back in the old guild days...** ### _"A Practice in Character Variation...(Harem/Reverse Harem 1x1 RPs)"_ ----- ...exactly how it sounds (in terms of trope/genre definitions)! I'm not great, not the best at character variation...and so, I decided that'd I'd RP as multiple characters all after _your_ one character! **I go by three possible modes for this type of RP I offer...!** ### Modes - (A) Easy Mode - only three love interests for me to RP in the 1x1. - (B) Real Harem Mode - six love interests for me to RP. - (C) Too Many Love Interests! Mode - twelve love interests for me to RP...a real challenge. Feel free to help me out with this by RPing your own harem characters... ----- **PM me with any plot ideas, character ideas, setting ideas, genre ideas, to set up a 1x1 with me...the subject of the PM should be "Too Many Love Interests?"** Preferably, you fill in the below form, as it gets all the basics down before the general back and forth series of PMs.. ### Basic Form - Mode: (A/B/C) - Genre: (Fantasy/Sci-fi/Horror/School, etc.) - Ideas: (General/Vague story/setting/character ideas, or request based on genre) - Level of Writing: (Script/Free/Low Casual/Casual/High Casual/Low Advanced/Write a Novel Together, etc.) - Location of Writing: (Thread/PM/___Pad, etc.) - Availability: (How often are you on RPG, how often can you post a response?) - Protagonist Sex/Gender: (Male/Female/????, etc.) - Protagonist Age: (15-35?) - Protagonist Sexual Orientation: (Straight/Homosexual/Bisexual/Pansexual, etc...based on this and the protagonist, characters will be formulated accordingly) - Things to Keep Off the Table: (Exactly how it sounds. Any subjects/character types/etc you'd like to avoid...) ----- ...keep in mind though, I expect decent grammar and spelling, no double posting (why would you? If you have multiple characters, keep it in one post), no metagaming/godmoding. No sexual content, only fade to black. If you want to make this a small group RP by inviting a friend to join up, feel free to do so, just let me know ahead of time so I don't get confused. ----- Feel free to post questions, suggestions, and opinions in this thread! Once we've started PM discussion, please don't post here anymore...just PM me again if I've been inactive.