> > - Yeah, BBCode is coming back. I'm trying to do it right this time from the start rather than relegating BBCode to a hotfix shadow-world between real BBCode and what become known as QQCode. As QQCode became more and more entrenched over time, my attempts at patching it were breaking too many posts since everyone got used to its idiosyncrasies. > - I agree - the current state of formatting isn't that great. Markdown isn't a rich formatting syntax that people generally expect from forums. But I chose it for the v0.1 relaunch because: > 1. It's bare-bones. Markdown-formatted text is still readable even if I dropped support for it overnight. It's something I can build on top of because it's mostly non-intrusive and doesn't really clash with anything. > 2. I found a good editor + Markdown parser + preview button + javascript library package that let me cobble together something that worked so I could focus on rewriting the other components of the forum. For example, I use this: . > > I recognize that maybe no formatting (rather, just line-break formatting) might have been better for the relaunch though. :( > > I look forward to extending the editor with BBCode and other features that assist post organization. Someone mentioned recently as a forum with some cool formatting features like tabs that people seem to like. I like that! > > I also want to retro-patch posts to honor line-breaks which should be doable without breaking anything (well, just lines). > - Regarding client-side Markdown rendering, it's not pretty. It may help to know that the render is triggered by an "appear" event on each post that unfortunately doesn't trigger until you start scrolling. Often you land in a topic and just see a wall of text as the first post until you move the page. > > I really want to move rendering back onto the server, but the naive solution (rendering posts on the fly when the server is generating the response) just wasn't performant enough for cases when you're looking at large posts. Since performance was my primary goal of the rewrite, I decided to offload the solution to the client until I can give it some thought and engineer a real solution. I don't really have the stomach for quick fixes anymore! > > Anyways, you're right on. Post formatting is a sorry situation at the moment. I'm trying to dedicate most of my time this first week of the relaunch to things like system errors. > > I've also started working on a real notification system. But perhaps post formatting would've been a better goal! Regarding the tabs, have you considered allowing the thread creator, or a designated thread administrator to add or delete tabs connected to the Roleplay? Edit: Nesting posts may become an issue if they become overstacked, and I know that many roleplays prefer the quote system, because the players know who the post is referring to, without needing every post before that. Perhaps a feature to toggle nesting quotes could be considered?