> Regarding the tabs, have you considered allowing the thread creator, or a designated thread administrator to add or delete tabs connected to the Roleplay? **Edit**: Someone just PMed me about this post. In my previous post, I was talking about BBCode tabs as an example of something that you can only do in a rich markup language like BBCode. In this post I was talking about custom tabs alongside the IC/OOC tabs you see in roleplay topics. Yeah, that was an idea under consideration even a year ago. I like the general idea of it, but it's non-trivial from both a system standpoint and from a UX standpoint. That sort of change would require a ripple of changes across the system, and it needs to be nailed correctly the first time since it's not easy to change such a big generalization of the tab system. I made mockups of some ideas for custom tabs, but a lot of people in IRC pointed out that it complicated what was an otherwise simple system. It's not something I'm comfortable inventing by myself. I would need help from people that strongly support that kind of feature since it's them I'm doing it for, after all. For comparison, creating the "IC"/"OOC" tabs was a rather uncontroversial/obvious upgrade. Same thing with the dice system. I'd like to come up with a few ideas and pitch them to those interested in on-forum support for dice. Edit: Reply to your edit, I agree. When I introduce BBCode again, I'm going to change the quoting mechanism to use BBCode quotes which retain info like which post you're replying to and who wrote it.