Mythrilite had been killing boars when he was suddenly teleporting to the town square. He was a bit confused as to what was going on. At first, he assumed it had something to do with the fact that it was the first day, although it was a bit odd to see raining blood and a giant cloaked creature appear in the sky. Then the creature spoke, and he knew then that it was no ordinary event. _No logout button? That can't be,_ he thought as he opened his menu. Sure enough, he couldn't find one. "OK, that's not good," he said, thinking aloud. Then Kayaba Akihiko gave everyone a gift, which Mythrilite was curious about. He opened his inventory and was wondering why he got a mirror. Bringing it to his hand, he looked at his reflection to see his Avatar, only for it to be replaced with his actual appearance in real life. Now that was weird. Well, at least he had set his Avatar's height to be the same as real life, so that wasn't too much of an issue, but his appearance could leave a bit to be desired. He had meant to cut his long hair after he had finished playing a bit, but now that wasn't possible. He looked around, and saw so many people who were panicking and crying for their parents. He was nervous, sure, but there was no need for full blown panic attacks. Mythrilite just needed to keep a cool head. First things first, he should find some people to team up with, then go grinding. With a plan in mind, he started wandering around the square, looking at people while trying to determine who would make good teammates.