> Forgive my inexperience in JavaScript, but (correct me if I'm wrong) as an object oriented programming language, wouldn't a dice-roller be as simple as creating a rolling method, reading user input for the number of dice, and perhaps the number of sides, and returning a random value between one and the maximum, and have the server display that value either on the post, or wherever you choose to place it? Even a rough prototype could roll a single die, and return the sentence "The rolled die value is: valueOfDie" to the post box, and while that could be easily manipulated, it's a start. Yeah, the logic of the dice roll itself is simple, but people generally want a dice system that's backed by the database. For example, you shouldn't be able to just edit your post and re-roll a new number. You also shouldn't be able to roll three dice for three events and then re-order the events according to favorable rolls. In other words, people want a verifiable, irrevocable ledger of rolls. I could easily support such a thing as a first-class component of the forum. The website escapes me at the moment, but the guys in the Tabletop Roleplaying forum sometimes use a webservice for this purpose that is a good example of what I mean by this. It's not a technical challenge so much as it's an open-ended one. I'm in a position to create a really good forum dice-roller that integrates with our roleplaying system, but since I don't use dice, I'm not sure what kind of UI people want. I could use some help coming up with some rough mockups.