**Buck Bradley - Methodist Emergency Medical Center - Farren/Jonathan/Victoria ** Buck put his hands up. “Hey! Ok!” He backed away and let Victoria pass him. “What is it with people pullin’ guns on people in this place. You’re all lucky you’ve lasted as long as you did!” He listened, though, to her explanation about what John had done. It was highly unlikely that she could make all of that up on the spot. If what she said was true, maybe he should ease up a bit. He called after her as she left. “Wasn’t tryin’ to upset you kid. Just curious about the type of characters we’re holed up here with.” He watched until she was out of sight. He smiled. The kid had spunk. He liked that. Took a lot of guts to stand up to him like that. Gun or no gun. He couldn’t help but notice Farren and Dean had closed him out of the room. He went close to the door and could hear the baby crying inside. He knocked softly and spoke, “Farren, I’m going to track down our hosts. Think I owe some people an apology.” Say what you want about Buck, he was never afraid to admit when he was wrong or being a jerk. “I’ll be back as soon as I’m done with them,” he reassured through the door. He left and wandered off in the direction Victoria had went. It didn’t take him long before he heard two people conversing. He recognized the voices as belonging to John and Victoria. He slowed his pace, listening for a minute. He overheard them talking about the woman they had lost and then Victoria started crying. Buck decided any apologies he had to make could wait for the morning. He didn’t want to intrude on this private moment. Making his way back to where he had left Farren and Dean he realized that he actually hadn’t been shown to a room of his own. He wasn’t really keen on walking in on someone else’s by accident either. He sighed. At least he had a roof over his head. And a little more space to stretch his legs than in the shed he had started the evening in. He quietly leaned against Farren’s door and let himself slide to the floor. No one was getting in or out without him knowing. He told himself he’d rest his eyes for a few minutes. Within seconds he was asleep.