Lei-Ne fidgeted slightly in her seat, resisting the urge to go cross-eyed. The mission wasn't a milk run for the other maybe, but for her, her role was still the same. Get the blue prints first. From inside the building. She could charm her way in, but she couldn't tell a mac from a pc. No way she could erase anything from a hard drive. So that meant someone else had to get in. She could help with that. Easy-peasy. Second, the maker of the the tech. She could probably talk him out of the building. But she couldn't be thrilled to go in when there would be armed guards everywhere and she sure as hell didn't trust any of these people to watch her back. That was her own job. The third object was what was making her go cross-eyed. Techno-babble always went over her head. Luckily everyone else seemed to be getting it. Hooray for being technologically in-adept. Lei-Ne blinked when they were told they could refuse. She nearly laughed, but swallowed it. She covered it gracefully by disguising the movement by leaning forward to 'study' the hologram for a momemnt. Then she spoke once she was sure her voice was normal. "I'm in of course." She leaned back in the chair and watched everyone else. Too bad she wouldn't see most of that money. It was a real shame, but her employers didn't trust her with a dime. Of course with her ability to make money disappear quicker than Novacoke into a drug addict's bloodstream, she wasn't surprised. And it eliminated chances of her running. Not that she'd get far. So she watched and listened, even though she didn't understand most of the technological parts.