> > Yeah, the logic of the dice roll itself is simple, but people generally want a dice system that's backed by the database. > > For example, you shouldn't be able to just edit your post and re-roll a new number. You also shouldn't be able to roll three dice for three events and then re-order the events according to favorable rolls. In other words, people want a verifiable, irrevocable ledger of rolls. I could easily support such a thing as a first-class component of the forum. > > The website escapes me at the moment, but the guys in the Tabletop Roleplaying forum sometimes use a webservice for this purpose that is a good example of what I mean by this. > > It's not a technical challenge so much as it's an open-ended one. I'm in a position to create a really good forum dice-roller that integrates with our roleplaying system, but since I don't use dice, I'm not sure what kind of UI people want. I could use some help coming up with some rough mockups. True. You could always have the server return an uneditable string that says "rollerName rolled valueOfDie," which could therefore not be easily manipulated, because it cannot be edited, deleted, or moved.