> [This should help](http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/411262/url) > > I'm so bad irl. Like I'm really nice, but I wish I was a princess :p Ah~ Thanks. If I had to pick one, I'm fairly certain I'm mostly a Kuudere with a mix of Kamidere since I have a bit of a god-complex sometimes, especially when I'm playing games. Whatever you do, do not trust me with absolute power or any power really. I'm going to end up abusing it to the fullest extent of my capabilities, and not care who I hurt in the process xP ...that's a bit of a bad combination now that I think about it xD Example: I was playing this one MMO with a friend of mine (A few years since we last played, kinda trouble remembering its name, but anyways) Yeah, I used him as bait to take down this giant basilisk thing xD Fun times. He was used to it by then though. Taking orders is something he was good at :P > So as it turned out, I will have to post tomorrow since I was stuck in traffic after my training courses. I'm just really exhausted. I'm sorry, guys. D: Aww, well, stuff happens. Take your time.