> I have no idea if anyone said anything about this or if it's also bothering them, but the times in which things are sent. If I just received a message, it will say that it was sent 2-3 hours ago. I have no idea why this is bothering me so much, or if it's just me? Thanks for letting me know you have that problem. Sounds like my "X min ago" script is not interpreting the timestamp relative to your timezone or something. Yeah, that would bother me too. I'll check it out. > We should also allow message and thread deletion in our PMs since that sort of thing is standard among forum PM systems. Agreed. I also want to support an "Archive" button for Convos that puts them in some big "Archived" folder. It could be for convos that have ended and you don't want them to litter your convo list anymore. And a "Delete" button will be for convos that even want a record of anymore. I also need to add pages to the "My Conversations" page. Finally, I've been checking out WYSIWYG post editors that are extensible enough for me to modify. So far I've been enjoying: