> [Mike](http://cdn.hiphopwired.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/1011-gq-mage01-02-1.jpg]) > > Quote: Let’s get it! > > Name: Michael B. Hayes > > Nickname: Mike > > Age: 21 > > Gender: Male > > Height: 6’2” > > Weight: 200 lbs > > Ethnicity: African American and Puerto Rican > > Sexuality: Heterosexual > > Relationship Status: Single > > Political Affiliation: Depends… > > Religion: Agnostic > > Drugs of Choice: Alcohol and Marijuana. > > Alcoholic Preference: Anything under the sun, but only tolerates beer. Favorite drink would have to be the Adios Motherfucker (AMF). > > Favorite Food: Really? Almost anything you can cook. The list would be too long > > Major: Sports Management > > Clubs: Hosts an on campus radio station > > Year: Freshman > > Roommates: To be decided. > > Occupation: Student/Club Promoter and Doorman > > Talents/Skills: Mike is good at most things that have to do with fitness. Running, swimming, or any other high intensity cardio. Mike doesn’t know if he could name this a skill, but he always seems to think of an alternate way of doing things, whether it be used as a shortcut or a contingency. > > Likes: Workout, game on Xbox, go clubbing, dancing, trying new things, meeting new people, traveling. > > Dislikes: Hypocrites, lying, liars, boredom, staying still for too long, olives, loud noises. > > Personality: Mike is a very outgoing guy and won’t be too shy not to introduce himself to someone new. His charisma always seems to give him a good first impression. He’s usually smiling, but if he’s not, his face shows a solemn that he can’t hide. He’s usually full of energy and loves just going out and doing something. You would think he’d be loud and hotheaded, but Mike remains cool and leveled. He’d rather see his friends happy than himself, and at times this can be a little self destructive. Mike is someone to rely on, and a person you should keep an eye out for, because that smile can hide almost anything. > > History: (I hate these, so I’ll be brief) Mike was born in New York City, where he spent the majority of his life as the first born of two raised by a single parent mother. Since he was a child he loved sports, whether it be playing or watching. He grew up being a jock of all trades as he would put it, but wasn’t recognized among his peers like other were. > > Without the scholarships to do so, Mike decided to join the military straight out of high school. Something his mother dreaded. He went with something simple, Communications. Mike was deployed once to Afghanistan and once to Kosovo. The tour to Kosovo wasn’t too difficult, being that it was a permissive environment. However, Afghanistan was a lot grittier. Mike wouldn’t do it again if you asked him to, but he doesn’t regret it either. > > After serving his 3 1/2 year contract, Mike became a reservist and pursued school in California, a place he’s always wanted to see. He knew he’d be an older freshman, but at least he now had the money to start college without being in debt for years. > > Power: Psionic Manipulation. Mike possesses the power to use psychic powers such as telekinesis and telepathy.