**Another normal day. You wake up and proceed with your morning routine, go take a shower, dress up, brush your teeth, maybe eat breakfast if you are not tardy for your morning class. You know, normal. Though, there's something different today. Maybe, you sneezed and froze the whole dining table, along with your parents, or you snapped your fingers and a flame came out, or before you knew it, you arm turned into something else, something that shouldn't be there. Regardless, it was obvious what had happened. You now have super powers.** **Still, as you try to figure out just what the hell is up with your body, don't you remember all those times where you were told something related to your personality? As in, you are as cold as ice or, you've got such a burning passion, or you eat like a beast, things that you somehow relate to this power you acquired now. Odd.** **And then, a magical text arrives to your phone.** _Yay! You've been chosen! Now, you are one of the Chosen Ones, or as I like to call them, Colors. Oh, but don't go feeling special, no, no, no! It'd be troublesome if you did! After all, there are about 300 other guys that can now do the same as you. Yep, they also have powers based of a major trait of their personality, and now, wow! You are gonna have to battle all of 'em! Exciting , huh? Real Exciting I bet. Anyhow, we wouldn't ask you to do this over nothing after all, all the others are aiming to kill you, and you should aim for the same, so, we offer you this! Win this whole mess , be the last one standing and then! I will grant you a wish! Anything you want! I'll also let you keep your power as an extra! Aren't I just the nicest thing ever? Yes I am! Now, get your ass unto work, or there's no wish for you!_ _XOXO Mirurun-chuan!_ **.....An app named Color Tracker arrives to your phone, along with a message saying _'If you wanna survive, install this!'_ and a cartoonish face of a girl on it. With little to no option, you decide to install it and get it over with. A map and a quick set of instructions reading "With these you can track other Colors, now good luck!".** **With that poor excuse of instructions now on you, you have been plunged into a war of which you have no knowledge whatsoever, but you have to fight or else face extermination. Now... What will you do?** --- All right, I hope more than one of you like this little idea my friend Harurun and I came up with. So, what we want for this RP is for it to be something simple, straightforward action with a bit (A lot!?) of mystery going on on the background. The objective is simple. Players have to fight their way through this war that will have lots of casualties to reach out for the prize, the opportunity to keep their newly acquired powers and to make a wish for whatever comes to their mind. Or is it really that easy? You will play a normal person that attends middle school, or maybe high school, maybe even college, but that's not what's important here, we are not gonna go through the tedious class part and everything. What's important here is that your character has obtained a super power given a major trait of their personality. Kinda like, if you like music a lot then you get acoustikinesis, if you are cold to other people, then ice powers, if you are often trying to pry into other people's secrets, then you get mind reading, and so on. The setting will be in Ikebukuro Japan, your character will also experience growth as none of our characters know how to actually control their powers. This RP will be character driven for the most part, while Jelly and I work around in the shadows, you can even have your own plots revolving around your characters if you want. Since we don't want this to get overpopulated we will only be accepting 4 people in total, so this will be a first come first serve thing, maybe if we see lots of interest, we might consider expanding it to 6 people, but that's not for sure, so don't get your hopes up. ;P We will work on this as we go on and if this gathers enough interest, then I'll put up a CS for you, and then an OOC. Hope to see this garner enough interest!