> Markdown-formatted text is still readable even if I dropped support for it overnight. It's something I can build on top of because it's mostly non-intrusive and doesn't really clash with anything. Regrettably, it **does** interfere with simple things such as my habitual punctuation to a very disturbing extent - to the point that I typically have to go back for each and every post to undo the editor deciding that I wanted to format something that was not supposed to be formatted at all. It also tends to get awfully confused over what is quote and what isn't whenever quotes come into play. That is the glory of proper tags - it is very easy for the interpreter to detect where they begin and end, and it is pretty damn unlikely that you'd accidentally write something that gets mistaken for a tag. In regards to WYSIWYG and tag formatting, I personally strongly prefer the tag formatting, so if at all possible, I'd like it to be kept as an option. As it is, most WYSIWYG editors are simply too ... twitchy for my tastes. I've muttered more quiet swears at WYSIWYG text editors than I have at any piece of code that is spitting out unexpected errors upon compilation/running. Else, eh, I guess I will be waiting for my single line breaks? Re: Text rendering and scrolling: it only *occasionally* triggers upon scrolling (the first time I noticed it, it was after I had already scrolled the entire page down to reach my post). It appears that I have to minimally scroll the post off the window altogether, and even then it is 50/50 kind of deal. If it makes a difference, then the mouse scroll function has been software-accelerated for me.