Appearance ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") Though you know the symbiote is more shaped to her figure and similar to Scream has symbiote hair tendrils that go down to about her neck length. Normally it has no mouth but the symbiote when agitated or angered will form one and lash out with it. Liz herself stands around 5' 6'' and weighs around 145 lbs. Liz has a tattoo on the back of her neck: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") One on her wrist as well: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") Name:Elizabeth Sihir (prefers being called Liz) Alias: Legion (for we are many.) Age: {25} Gender: Female (the symbiote itself, none) Equipment: Besides the symbiote itself, nothing really. Skills/Abilities: knows basic boxing techniques, her unfinished degree from college was for computer programming and engineering, Powers:The symbiote provides super strength, agility, reflexes, wall crawling, web generation, and the ability to form weapons from the symbiote and detach them from it (like Carnage). Weaknesses: Fire or anything of extreme heat, sonic waves/frequencies, and high pitch sounds. Personality: Liz is a bit dark at first and serious but getting to know her causes her to open up and in truth she is a rather caring person who doesn't mind helping others. She has a strong devotion towards her friends due to how few she has and isn't afraid to get into fights. The symbiote is a mix of personalities due to never fully forming into just one entity. It can go from being calm and quiet to insane and lusting for chaos in a matter of seconds. History: To begin we must start with the symbiote itself. Over the years there have been many symbiotes that have come and gone and all the while Osbourn Industries had been collecting samples from where ever they could from these alien lifeforms and adapt it for their own purposes. There were many trials and failures but eventually they produced a symbiote of their own from the samples of all other symbiotes. It was a quick scramble then to find a host before loosing the specimen but the symbiote had rejected all they offered. Right when they were going to pull the kill switch on the symbiote for it no doubt would die soon without them finding a host, it escaped, driven by hunger to find it's own host. On death's door it did find someone and in doing so Legion was truely born. Now for the story of the new host of this alien life, Liz lived a life mostly in solitude never really fitting in with any sort of crowds. She had her friends here and there but for the most part she went her own course through her early life all the way through highschool. She opened up more after graduating but her decisions on appearance kept some at bay. Of course when people first see her it's obvious to see that she really isn't just like every other woman from the music she likes to how she makes her appearance. Though she has been solitude most her life she also likes to stick out a bit. Other: Plays piano has a love for video games but won't admit to it at least not easily.