While Liaena was arguing with Serphia, Sharon had decided to walk over to the gearbox now abandoned by Leia. Kneeling down besides it, the High Elf located the opening mechanisms and with a 'click', the lid sprang open, revealing the various content inside. Rooting through through the contents inside of Mitonk's inventory, Sharon found a lot of basic tools, plans, lesser gadgets and a few explosives. Locating a piece of parchment resting on the inner sides of the box, the High elf retrieved it to give it a closer inspect. It appeared to be the documentation that the Gnome had spoken of earlier, detailing his job, payment and various arrangements around his contract. It certainly looked authentic. Although the objects of the box could in no way offer any guarantee that the gnome was in fact not an assassin, it did point in the way of innocence. [i]“But this is no time for a trial. We got to find Rithrynn!”[/i] “His documents are in orde,-“ Sharon started, but was struck speechless when he turned around and saw the Night Elves about to perform an invasive cavity search on the small creature. [i]“Just great… “[/i] “AHEM, I may be no expert within the social sciences, but I strongly believe that the Gnome’s… “ Sharon quickly gazed at the documents, and back up again. “ … that “Mitonk” meant that as a joke!” Sharon said as he stepped forward, trying to defuse the level of craziness that the situation had just reached. The High Elf was torn between what he speculated to be the motives of Serphia. Did she genuinely believe the Gnome’s ridiculous claim, or did she just order the search to spite the little creature? Although he had never considered Serphia to the be intellectual champion of their time, he knew the Captain possessed a raw cunning that shouldn’t be underestimated. ------------------------ “I promise I’ll be there!” “And I will be waiting… “ Sherpa said as he smiled, stepping back from the Night Elf while holding up his hand, giving her a small wave. However, the near total silence of the hallway was suddenly interrupted by a set of footsteps as a man came running through the tunnels towards them. The unnatural darkness of the place veiled his figure until he was but a few meters away, at which point the man made a complete stop when he saw them. “You!” Donald exclaimed as he saw Sherpa standing in the middle of the hallway, looking back at him. However, the assassin’s face looked completely confused when he looked a little further to the side and saw the Night Elf, Rithrynn standing mere meters away from Sherpa. And, she was not attacking? “What the fu,-“ “I had been looking for you.” Sherpa said as he spotted Donald. The assassin immediately jumped back and pulled out a small throwing dagger from his leather coat, his attention returning to Sherpa! But with a flick of his wrist, Sherpa pulled the dagger out from the assassin’s hand from afar, sending it shooting astray through the room. “A fair try, but your last… “ Donald barely had time to react before he felt a cold chill around him, and suddenly a pair of ice cold hands grabbing him by his ankles. He couldn’t see anything, yet his legs were pulled away from below him, just as another pair of hands grabbed his body, and the assassin was slammed down into the wet stone floor of the hallway. As he fell, he smashed the back of his head against the floor. Yet the assassin’s woe did not end there, as he was suddenly dragged through the air and smashed into one of the heavy stone pillars of the hallway, before being flung up into the roof with a crunch. At this point, whatever invisible force that had taken ahold of the assassin seemed to let go; allowing the abused man to fall four meters down, welcomed by the unforgiving stone hard embrace of the floor yet again. It was perhaps a blessing that his head had been the first thing to be hit, as it might have spared the vast amount of the experience. Donald remained silent for a while, before slowly writhing around in pain, looking utterly confused and disoriented as he lay on the floor, unable to understand what had just happened. Turning back to Rithrynn, Sherpa motioned towards Donald. “My gift, to you: The assassin you have been hunting.” Sherpa said, giving Rithrynn a smile. “You should return. Your sisters will most likely be wondering where you went. At least you will now have something to impress them with.” Giving Rithrynn one last smile, the High Elf finally turned around and walked away, leaving Rithrynn alone with the assassin. “Until we meet again.”