**Assembled fleets, at system Xpp-kto 50th convening of the fleets ** Multiple mother ships orbit a small world that has the markings of artificial construction and terraforming, the world itself covered in numerous ecosystems of the same origin- life offered by the ships of the gestalt all let loose on the same planet. On the world are a rather elaborate structure, numerous geometric patterns and visualizations of sound waves in white, yellow and cyan constantly altering with a dome-like structure on top. Wandering about the wilds Gemini hunt and gather like their ancestors did, the incredibly low gravity making the Gemini on this world weak in strength over the generations. Within that structure, a large, echo filled chamber whose design is reminiscent of a amphitheater, but without seats or steps. Instead having more a curved slope of sound amplifying metal. Little light, if any shines into the amphitheater. Yet, if a human were to attend this amphitheater they would hear the reverbing shrills, buzzes and twitches of a couple thousand Ixion, both common and elite conversing to each other. Yet, a single elite buzzes out from the center of the amphitheater, louder than all the rest; tuning in each Ixion does. The auditor, the second it appears speaks, as if it already started to speak. Truth being of course, the auditor always was speaking- ever since it was a developed enough embryo to do so. "The ~mood~ of space and time is great when you feel out the zeal of the hateful and the passion of the heroic and their /endless/ dance through the *stars* the *galaxy* perhaps the ^universe^ to always hear throughout the endless abyss of space blessing the barren worlds with *complexity* to ensure a /eternity onwards/ the everlasting musical each of our *company* dances to the only true threats to us and the %worst company% to our galaxy being %those% who dance poor /worse/ those that %demand silence% of our kind and the ^galaxy^ the cyclic ways of the old the species who had %taught% us the right path sadly reduced to ashes their harmony turning to ~dissonance~speaking~ of their end overdone already our current matter is to continue the dance our selves and to look at the *current* galaxy at large for while humans are harmonious ~company~ there is *greater* dangers to the rhythms of complexity that /must/ be mutually altered for the greater being of the galaxy if not the ^universe^" Zalaster, the current auditor of gestalt's convene of fleets however finds itself interrupted by aloud Ixion in the crowd, one loud enough to be heard by the auditor itself. "Our galaxy /is harmonious/ ^enough^ with human company ensuring so in their conflicts and wars in short order why agents claim there is chance a ~new~war~ is to happen in the future flow of existence" The argumentative voice distracted the Auditor for a few seconds. The auditor however, simply continued on its proposal without much affect to what the collectively chosen Auditor has spoken. "%While some% speak of harmony achieved with humanity ensuring so with their divisive minds and many paths /more/ than even our own ways of existing in our fleets or the Ixions who roam the galaxy with ~company~ or those that find company better than our gestalt of fleets the /reality/ is our galaxy is under threat of creeping silence and it comes in the form of the yia and their rigid system of lies or the ari who %demand order% among countless other company that threaten galactic harmony in denying entropy its flow /blocking/ it and cutting apart the binding flow of the ^cosmic community^" The amphitheater quickly filled itself with excitement, so loud that the auditor found itself speaking aimlessly for some time, perhaps too much. The flailing of many tentacles could be gleamed even in the dim lighting, the their movements consigning in agreement to everything said, frequent rabbling about the plan of action the auditor intends to take, or of the endless array of venues that recently have come about due to contact with the [placeholder until a certain app is accepted]. "While I regard the Z-5’s tang and organ rumbling effect as luxuries /it/ is of no constant taking or else it loses potency like any other of the Z series *and* currently the agents whom we have all over our galaxy know much of the current aggression by two ^silence desiring forces^ the swarm and the technocracy both of them threaten all company of all dances with their ways one of them seeks to bring their cancerous silence through genocide of all in their way and the devouring of complexity to fuel their banal existence and the other has existed too long for their own good so /now/ I get to my ^proposal^ as I claim before my agents found both both will clash given current trajectory of the %cancerous company% and both will fight and this brings ~great~potential~ for the future of our galaxy to create /harmony from silence/ and we shall make sure the situation remains harmonious as be and ideally a new dance will occur long and graceful in scope and appeal to all company of our galaxy" The rambling only got louder from there on out, to the point where the auditor saw what it had to say as complete. The only rambles that have to concur will be seen, each fleet and their legion of elites independently arguing internally on how to act. A several of the sets of elites at the convening however, found themselves in total agreement. Some of them left off to try out the X-5 drug mentioned by the auditor, others leaving out of indifference to the current auditor's plans or even disgust. [[OOC note: I've added some unique marks for the Ixions due to the way I have them speak I felt limited how they could communicate, so I decided to construct some new punctuation makes for them. ^^ = Excitement/Exclamation //= Strong Emphasis ~~= Buzzy/flanging emphasis %%= Dissonance/frustration **= Echo/Reverb, the "pound" so to speak.