Terra had been standing guard at the entrance to Med Bay the whole time. She'd tried to let the crew members in, when she saw them on camera, outside the door, but... she didn't have codes for it. Nothing she could do but wait and be ready. She would have loved to let them in, but Shor'Gen returned shortly enough, and it was back to guard duty. Except Med Bay was no longer locked down, which meant she had to be even more ready. It would sure be nice to know if the ship was secure... She'd heard quite the ruckus earlier, she had to assume a breach. Had they then been boarded? "Aaahg, it'd be nice to know if I had to be on high alert or not...!" Terra watches the entrance anxiously. If she could know, then it would be easier to deal with. She could relax or be on guard. She could just be on guard anyway, but that was tiring and she's not designated combat personnel. Standing guard all day wasn't in her job description. "Hm?" Terra focused her attention as her fairy bobbed in front of her. She was distracted momentarily by the fairy's crystal-clear wings. They warped the light as though they were made of clearest ice, but somehow, she knew better. The fairy bobbed and fluttered, focusing the woman before speaking to her. "You want to see my phone? Uh, sure." Terra produces the device from her pocket, showing her fairy. The device lights up for a moment before powering down as the Aeva interacts with it. "Wha- hey! What'd you do to my ph-wwwwwhhooooaaaaa." Sylph had paid her no mind as she continued to acclimated to the local technology. Since no one else on the ship seemed to have an Aeva companion, there was no one nearby to network with. However, the fairy could still connect to local networks. It limited her functionality, but she should provide her *faltis* with the information she needs. To stop her *faltis* from freaking out, Sylph had started feeding her a HUD. To the ships AI, Sylph would, initially, look like Terra's phone. Same login credentials. Upon any sort of further inspection, however, it is clearly not Terra's phone. Another AI would be the closest thing that Sylph looked like.