**Image:** ![enter image description here](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/304/d/f/pharmacist_elf_by_masterbimo.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:**Darthalia **Race:** Elf **Age:** 43, but looks around half that. **Alignment:** Mage **Personality:** Growing up isolated hasn't helped her people skills so Darthalia prefers to stay quiet, mainly due to the fact she usually never has anyone to talk to. The fumes from her work also adding to her behavior, Very Paranoid if she thinks she is in danger, If someone were to talk to her she would ramble on then trail off and mutter to herself. She is nice enough, if not for the lack of normal behavior, She prefers to avoid combat whenever possible, this being a tad difficult living in the Black Forest but she has adapted over the years setting traps and such to capture the dangerous animals and she always finds a use for nosy wanders stealing from her garden. **Bio:** Darthalia had a very quiet childhood, She was left in the care of two Dwarf's as a small baby. Her elven parents left her there for her own safety,They were mages and were currently being hunted down by the paladin's for going rouge and escaping the supervised area. Leaving their child with the Dwaven potions makers in the Black forest seemed like a good idea. Darthalia didn't find this out until the age of 18. But she always knew she was different, from the age of 15 she was taller then her 'parents' but never questioned it. When she did find out, nothing really changed, she still thought of her carers as parents and they thought the same of her, so she didn't think about her Elf family much. At around the age of 18 she had discovered her mage powers, terrified by it she told her parents who explained everything to her, of course only basic things, and they told her that she was never to leave the forest unless she was going to the undercity, for the Paladin's would kill her, they exaggerated a little but it was to scare her from leaving the forest. She agreed to never leave the forest but practiced her basic magic when she had free time. Growing up the Dwarf's ran a business, potions. They would create them and go into the Under city to sell them. They taught this trade to Darthalia, who became quite good, even creating new ones, this wasn't usually a good idea because there were no one willing to test them, but of course Darthalia found a way round that. She became good enough to take over the business as her parents got to old to continue. They were around a 100 when they received Darthalia and after 25 years, they were not fairing to well. One stormy night they passed away, leaving Darthalia the hut and all its contents, and the business they had built their whole lives. She was very grateful and vowed to continue their business "Doommantle Potions". Ever since she has lived in the black forest, occasionally after creating a batch of potions, she would travel to the Undercity to sell them for food and new ingredients for more potions. The only time people come to her hut is when they wander through the forest and try to steal her plants. She usually catches them and uses them to test potions on. The ones who live are welcome to leave, the ones who aren't successful, well they don't leave. She has spent her life here, and part of her doesn't want that to change. But another part, that part wants adventure. **Initial spells/techniques:** _Brite-Lite:_ Used in its most common form it is a small orb of light, allowing the user to travel in pitch black caves, or tunnels, uses a small amount of Mana when first used and slowly drains little by little while in use. If used in combat it is only used defensively. Creating a large flash of light blinding anyone to see it for 10 or so seconds. _Shadow Morph:_ This spell allows the user to control the shadows around them. Usually used for stealth it can create a large shadow to conceal the user in a dark environment. Like BriteLite, prolonged use drains away at mana. _Basic Healing:_ This of course self explanatory. With this spell the user is able to heal non-immediate fatal wounds. This spell being very useful, but drains quite a bit so can't be used over and over and leaves very little mana for other spells. **Skills:** Potion Crafting: Growing up brewing potions and has given her alot of experiance. So if the occasion calls for it she can easily make small health potions or a Mana boost potion, but anything more substantial and she will need more equipment. Long Range Weaponry: Sometimes she would not have the money to purchase food after buying ingredients, so she would need to hunt. Disliking it of course but she has some experience in the use of cross bows. **Combat strategy:** Darthalia prefers to avoid combat whenever she can, but if she much engage she prefers to be on the defensive. Using her BriteLite spell and using her crossbow if she much attack. She isn't very skilled in combat but can usually hold her own in combat with either animals or petty bandits that come through the forest. **Unique equipment:** A small engraved leather bag holding many little ingredients to make small health potions or mana potions and a black oak crossbow that she only carries when she is travelling, along with a black oak carved dagger with a silver blade, She received it from her adoptive father, he was a regular hunter.