![enter image description here](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/174/7/e/flem_ber_mage_by_suburbbum-d6adjob.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Mastrix of the Scar **Race:** Human **Age:** 19 ** Alignment:** Rogue Mage **Personality:** - She hates the paladin, considering them responsible for all that is wrong in the world, blaming them for her life of misery that could have been spent ruling like a divinity back in the days of old where magic was a benediction and not a curse, they were no worthy enemies but rather theft that use their own form of magic against the rightful owners of the world. She holds very little respect for normal people, silent spectators destined to be ruled by an overlord or another and as for other mages, until proven otherwise they are cowards without an ounce of ambition. Her world is that of hate and despise but still even with her fancy armor on, she remembers that the paladins crushed them long ago and that she is still a kid sucking humidity of wall and eating insects to survive while the bastards eat meat and drink fresh water in their castles and so she never underestimates an enemy. **Bio:** Nothing is left of her childhood as she was raised in a community of wandering mages that refused to bow down to the Paladins until they were exterminated by a raid. She fled in the wilderness being only 7 years old but already before her parents died, the mages could tell there was something wrong going on with her. Some said her parents traded her soul for powers with a demon, that she contacted one herself, being a rather impressive caster at a young age or that in her dream world one linked himself with her, but still even if she was mostly an unruly kid throwing tantrums all the time, she still had surprising moments of lucidity or 'Hunches' allowing her to find ways to survive in the wild. Eventually she found that the best way to survive the onslaught of paladins hunting for her kind was to hide where it was too dangerous for them to hunt her. The scars proved to be, against all odds, the place where she grew. She found there ancient things and fed on the few mushrooms and herbs growing in dank caves, until one of her 'hunches' led her to a corpse. An ancient nameless mage that died long ago but that still held on its corpse its possessions. Another corpse to loot for her but as she gazed into the past to watch what happened to him she found one of the lords of old, a mage of great power that had fought the Paladins and in this she found, as a silent observer, some inspiration. There had to be more to life than eating moss and ambushing adventurers, no? Despite being a bony, borderline anorexic survivor of a inhospitable land, she done the armor she found and began to imitate this man from long ago. **Initial spells/techniques: ** - Eldritch Fire: A fire that slowly burns living things, making a large amount of smoke, is actually painless but will still slowly melt the flesh anyway and cripple or disfigure you. Land where this fire has burned may no longer bare life again and where large patch of land have been destroyed, attacks from beasts of the Scars are much more frequent. - Curse: A slow and perverse thing, Mastrix can link herself to another mortal and force her wounds away on him. She still receives the initial wound and if mortal, it will kill her, but otherwise she will heal at an increased rate by making the cursed one slowly die. Paladins may use negation magic to make her suffer through the link but the effects will be felt by both parties. Considering Mastrix doesn't have the constitution of a Paladin however she prefers not to abuse of this ability with them as most likely she'd die before the paladin gives up. - Echo from the past: Some double sight of sort, with some concentration Mastrix can have some visions of before, although this isn't always done of her own volition. This can provide insight on secret passages or secrets thought to be lost. She however will never get used to most of the ancient mages having magic to detect divination and invisible spectators that occasionally, despite being dead for so long, notice her. **Skills: ** - Eidetic Memory: Mastrix has an almost perfect memory and remembers each and every rocks of the Scar she lives in, each words that were ever spoken to her. This means that she also has a knack for imitating basic spells and remembering their casting. - Inhabitant of the Scar: Generally deadly environment where 36 things can kill you only in the immediate square meter next to you? What people would call an hostile environment where no man can set foot is the definition of home for her and in the Scars she lives as easily as a paladin would live in his castle. The reverse however isn't as true. - Omnivorous Cannibal: Sucking the humidity out of a mole in a dank cave or eating another human are only normal for her and while this may seem like obscene to others, she is still proud of her ability to survive in the most barren wasteland. Her ability to see a disemboweled human and feel hunger also means that very little in the way of gore and violence can phase her. - Lost knowledge: Seeing visions of the past and stumbling on old spell books and scrolls in the scars made her a veritable library of knowledge thought lost forever . ** Combat strategy:** - She will lure her opponents in dangerous places, corner them to then slowly immolate them and when they are at their weakest, she'll link herself with them watching them slowly die and all of this as much as possible without revealing herself. Like most mages of old, she can't defend herself for crap in close combat and will try to avoid it at all cost. Still, she likes to 'extend the pleasure' and isolate her target, making it die slowly and gloat in the shadows. Afterward it isn't rare for her to eat their heart, believing that the nature of paladin mana allows her to expend on her own mana pool by consuming the seat of a paladin's power. Ki-Tan users are a delight for her she'll get out of her way to consume. **Unique equipment:** - Ring of the Master: A simple ring of silver that gives her limited control over some of the beasts in the Scars. It doesn't allow her to give order as much as it allows her to lure the monsters in a certain direction, leaving their murderous ways do the rest. - Staff of Twilight: Those with knowledge in the ancient mages will remember this focus coming from a mage of incredible power that with its armies and magic carved the very land. An artifact thought to be lost in the destruction of the mage that would be no means befit a neophyte like Mastrix. - Bone Armor: An enchanted armor giving the wearer practical immunity from fire and also an intimidating stature. Still, the armor is made to make the wearer imposing and protect a mage in a duel against other magic users and while it can somewhat protect against a paladin's magic, it's too light to give practical protection against physical blows.