Darthalia decided to just walk into the village, not really thinking about it too much as she glanced around, a lot of people around. Well really it wasn't many but to an Elf who wouldn't usually see anything living for months on end, it was alot. She kept her head down and hood on as she walked passed people. She looked up and saw a....thing....she couldn't tell what it was by the horribly intimidating armor it was wearing. Also the stare didn't help but Darthalia had no idea what it meant. Was it angry? Happy? Sad? or fantasizing a buffet. All of this running through her mind as she walked forward, without realizing it she was standing a few feet away. It was quite awhile before she had come up with some sort of coherent words. Of course this looked very odd, but to Darthalia, it was normal, she needed time to come up with what she was going to act, also to search for the reason she decided to go up to the "person" //if that was what it was even, it kinda looked like a person...shape// most likely to use her intestines as kindling. Maybe it was because it seemed like the only 'person' looking at her. So she pulled on the most forced smile and spoke "Umm, Hello....do you know if this is the Misala village?"