Darthalia was a little confused about the look it was giving to her ears and was sort of shocked herself as the person jumped backwards, this heavily armored person just bounced back and was ready for combat after she had just asked a question. Very odd, the only conclusion she could come to was that the person was blind and she spooked them. Hearing her voice gave her little information, except it was a little higher pitched to be male....or maybe males voices sounded like this, she decided to give it a guess and bowed her head "Thank you Miss" Her forced smile wavering before fading as she stepped back, watching the, what she assumed now, female kick the chair into the fire then turned her head quickly startled by the second voice, a seating offer, she was sure this was a nice offer so she accepted, nodding and smiling again as she sat down on the log, her knees up and pressed against her chest. She was quite tall, but of course average for an elf. She looked up at the man with a odd smile "Thank you...Sir"