Before the train left, Xerox and Rue packed up the turret, miscellaneous material and stored them away. The SeeD who did not know much about Xerox were still confused as to what was going on. Well, this let him talk it up on the train, without giving the information they wanted away. It kept him company and let him find out about the other SeeD. Always dodging the question, while making them laugh as he did so. Ever so slyly. Eventually the train reached Timber, and they were lead to the safehouse, where they were debriefed by Duncan. Well, it wasn't really a debriefing, just a *we are staying here, deal with it. Also someone get food* in it's simplest form. Xerox gave a shout to Jericho and Gracelyn. "Could you get me some canned coffee?" After which, a number of others gave requests. *Probably should not have done what Duncan did. Oh well.* he thought to himself. With the time he had, Xerox thought he should continue one of his projects. While rummaging through his **ESS** he found something which was shaped as a rifle. Well actually, it was technically one, however, highly modified. Staring at it for a moment, both Xerox and Rue were trying to remember what it was they were working on with this, before Rue remembered, and tugged Xerox's shirt. "Hm?" Xerox quizzically looked at Rue, whom was starting to motion his hands (or paws) and made a high pitched whistle. "Oh! Right!" Remembering, Xerox dismantled part of the rifle, making sure the two firing mechanisms were in there, and everything was set up correctly. Making a few tweaks, he reassembled the rifle and attached a bayonet and walked over to Duncan. "Yo. Got something for ya." Throwing the rifle over to Duncan, "Don't know if you remember that time, cause I am pretty sure you got drunk then too, but, you went on about shooting magic from a gun. Well, this is an experimental weapon for you could try out. On the side, there's a switch, to go from regular bullets to paramagic. Basically, you load your paramagic into the gun, it will concentrate it, and you can aim and shoot it like a bullet. Upon impact, it should activate the paramagic. It should handle basic spells like Fire, Scan, Cure, Thunder and etc., however, it will probably break with like 3 Fira shots or something like that. If something's wrong with it, just tell me so I can make revisions. Up to you if you use it though." With that explanation, Xerox moved a short distance away, to get a little room, to start working on another project.