Hisaki took one step off the train into the gleam of the day, instantly brightening his mild mood. The train always got him down, sitting or standing in one place and being packed in tightly. It felt so ... *stifling*. But mere moments in the open made him feel free again. Walking the short distance to the school building consisted of dodging and weaving between other students. Hisaki always walked slightly faster than the rest of the world, much to the annoyance of those around him and with him. The slight bounce as he manoeuvred around others often startled people. A faint tune played in his mind, a poor substitute for his headphones that he had accidentally left behind when he left. It was a lyric-less beat, just something to occupy his mind. Nonetheless it caused him to absent-mindedly walk straight past the class schedule and into the crowded gym, simply following the flow of students. This crowded area felt different to the stuffy train, it felt alive with chatter and personality and didn't drag him down like the latter. With a jolt he remembered that he was meant to take note of the schedule first. There was still plenty of time to go take a quick peak but surely someone here would have taken a picture of the whole thing? He noticed a student sitting in the corner, nervously looking around. To Hisaki's eye, the boy looked in some sort of distress, so he made his way over to the corner where the student was sat. 'Hey! You wouldn't happen to have a copy of the class schedule would you? I completely forgot to look at it when I went past and now...' He trailed off, realising is short introduction had gone on for several sentences and not actually introduced himself yet...