#Roleplayer Extra Information --- ###Assigned Rooms: ####Second Floor **Jeremie's Room** ![Room 216](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/e/e7/Jeremy_dorm.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120421044726 "enter image title here") Room 216 Josive and UNKNOWN **Odd and Ulrich's Room** ![Room 217](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/a/a3/Ulrich_and_Odd%27s_dormitory.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20120123064012 "enter image title here") Room 217 Sam and Flippy **Mike's Room** Room 222 Single bedroom. One bed on the left side of the room with an end table and draws underneath, a closet on the right near the door, and a large drumset at the back of the room. The room is on the corner, near Jeremy's and Odd/Ulrich's room. No windows. Mike and Arndt **Garsin's Room** Double room. Both beds have side tables, and are near the front door. Each have small drawers, and have a trunk at the foor of their beds. At the other side of the room are two desks, each with a chair, one drawer, and two cabinets above. Between the two desks are closets, with two drawers at the bottom, creating a shelf, and an open space with a rail for hanging clothes. There is a window to outside, with an AC/Heater unit above. Garsin and UNKNOWN ####Third Floor **Aelita's Room** ![Room 335](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/2/22/200px-Renaissance_143.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/180?cb=20120406214552 "enter image title here") Room 335 Bella and UNKNOWN **Sayuri's Room** Not designed yet. Sayuri and Alice --- ###Classes Not RPable: History, (Language Based Classes), ETC. RPable: Social Studies, Art, Math, Science, and Physical Education. **Josive**, 8th Grader, Math, Social Studies, Science, English, Italian, History, and Physical Education. **Jared**, 7th Grader, Math, Science, Social Studies, English, and Physical Education. **Flippy**, 8th Grader, (Math), Physical Education. **Bella**, 8th Grader, Math, Science, French, English, History, Art, and Physical Education.