[b]Code Lyoko: XANA's Return[/b] For reference to the Concept Check, click [here](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75138/posts/ooc). [b]Story[/b] [i]This contains spoilers to the show! Beware![/i] [hider] The story of Code Lyoko follows the group of a bunch of friends at Kadic junior high school. The show starts out with them all knowing each other, but during a later season they start the show with a two-part episode, explaining the time they all first met. It first started out with Jeremy, who was looking through an old abandoned factory near town. He was looking for spare robot parts to build things. He accidentally stumbled upon a room with a massive calculator (Computer), but didn't understand it's full power until later. He eventually told his roommate, Ulrich, about his discovery. At some point or another they discovered it wasn't just a massive calculator... it was a Super Computer! On top of that, it held a digital world within it, which they soon figured out could be entered! Together, they schemed to test the machine, by stealing one of their classmates mutts (The owner named Odd), and forcing him against his will into a Scanner, which allows people to enter the world themselves! The owner's dog found out, and saved his dog at the last second, but fell victim to their trap, and ended up within the machine himself. When he woke up, he was within the digital world, wearing strange clothes, and having magical powers! Eventually, the three figured out there was an evil Artificial Intelligence within it, plotting to take over the world, and Jeremy had just awoken it.... On top of that, there was a girl, named Aelita, trapped within the computer, without any memories for seasons to come. Jeremy fell in love, and wanted to free her, but at the cost of that had to leave the computer on and risk the evil AI, named XANA, from escaping and taking over. The four friends eventually found out this evil XANA has powers of her own, and can attack the real world! Ulrich was eventually trapped at the school during an attack, and ended up bringing another friend with him to the super computer, for he would not have escaped otherwise. Her name was Yumi. Finally, with their group big and powerful, the five of them fought XANA, saving the world from it's evil. They realized they had a big secret they had to keep, and it would be impossible to hide their secret with XANA constantly breaking free and revealing himself to the world. They together found a secret within the world, called Code: Lyoko. Aelita had the power to enter "Towers" within the digital world, which could be used for transportation within the world, or activated to increase the super-computer's power. Aelita could enter Code: Lyoko into the computer, which would disable the tower, and then Jeremy could use the Super Computer's hidden power... Return to the Past. They would return back to the start of the day, with no one other than those having ever entered Lyoko remembering what had happened. Over the course of a few years, these five friends have made enemies, defeated XANA numerous times, and met more allies. Many things have happened over the course of those years, but a few things haven't changed: They remained loyal to each other. They continued to fight XANA, and stop him from taking over the world. And they always won. [/hider] [b]Plot[/b] [hider] The story had originally started in the year 2003 (Before computers were popular, or the all-mighty iPhone), and ended sometime around 2007. [s]I will say season 1 was 2003, season 2 2004, season 3 2005, season 4 2006, and CL:E 2007. This RP, starts at the end of season 4, before CL:E for reasons that will be explained in the far future of the RP.[/s] Edit: I have just realized I made a mistake with the time periods. In Season 1 it was 2003, and seasons 2-3 were also 2003, otherwise everyone would have aged significantly... so... lol. My mistake. Season 4 would have been 2004, as well as CL:E... so I am restating my previous statement, and saying the RP takes place in 2004. The story starts with new kids (Suddenly, as they hadn't been there in CL:E, HINT HINT) arriving at the school, just to find out a bunch of kids had gone missing. Odd Della Robbia, Jeremie Belpois, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama, Aelita Schaeffer, and William Dunbar. This new group will suddenly find the secrets these kids had been hiding, and set out on a mission to find them, only to cause more chaos in their wake. They will fight the old enemies of the digital world, as well as new threats within their own world. These new kids start their day on campus, registering with the Jean Pierre Delmas, the Principal, and being assigned to their rooms. Soon they will discover the secrets, and set out to find the missing kids. It is up to them to save the world, or let it fall under XANA's rule. [/hider] [b]Current Events[/b] [hider] [u][b]Day One[/b][/u], a horde of students have arrived at Kadic Academy, unaware of the events that happened months ago, where our Lyoko friends have disappeared. They were assigned rooms and schedules, and sent off to classes for the day. One kid, Josive (Teknonick), found he had been given the room of one of the missing kids, Jeremy. He found a stack of CDs, mostly broken, containing video diary's of the kid. He watched the first video, which lead him to the discovery of the factory, but without explaining what it was. The rest of the CDs were locked. During class, Josive talked to some of the other kids about his discovery, Bella (Gambit), and Flippy (gamer5910), and convinced them to meet him outside to go explore the factory after classes. They walked through the city, getting lost after a couple of hours, until they found the factory. They searched it, and Josive set his robot on it's mission to search for parts. Eventually finding the secret computer lab, and discovering one of the missing children, Aeilita , was stuck inside the computer. Although, this Aeilita is very different from the one we know... she wears plain-clothes like in the real world, seems to have no knowledge of where she is, or what Lyoko is, and has a new... rough... personality. A XANA attack starts, turning Josive's robot against everyone, sending it into action to create hundreds of mini-robots, sending them after the new heros, and attacking the school to search for the other CDs Josive had (Which were on him at the time.) The new crew eventually figures out the scanners must operate some sort of program, so Flippy and Bella go down to figure out how they work, while Josive looks over the second CD (Which was unlocked after Bella received a note in her room that Aelita told them about.) Josive activates the scanners, sending both Bella and Flippy onto Lyoko... while all he thinks they are just computer consoles. The warriors are sent to Lyoko to fight XANA, and lead Aeilita to the tower. They eventually reach the tower, sacrificing themselves to save Aeilta... but are safe as they return to the real world with only minor pain. Aeilita deactivates the tower, and discovers her true name... Maya... but doesn't have time to tell anyone before Josive activates the Return to the Past command, unknowing of it's true affects. The heros arrive back at the lab, just as Josive was yelling at them for thinking how crazy and dangerous it would be to run the computer (Where he had tried to leave before, but returned as he was attacked by XANA's robots.) Bella and Flippy try to convince him, but seem crazy in his eyes as they try to explain the XANA attack. Eventually, he gives up on trying to believe them, and everyone returns home. [u][b]Day Two[/b][/u], Everyone wakes up at school, getting ready for classes, as they find out over the announcement classes are canceled... due to some police investigation. It turns out, another missing kid has returned, William. Just recently, William sat down at a table in the cafeteria, sitting with Garsin (Jollan), and Sam (Nightmare), two people he seemed to connect with a little bit. But, as he looks over at the table Josive, Bella (And after William leaves, Flippy) are sitting at, he seems to have been stricken with fear as he recognizes Bella. He abruptly stands up, and leaves. Some time later, Garsin starts to feel a little strange... some new grand scheme popping up in his head. He feels Josive and Bella are enemies for some reason... like they endanger his plan. But it's not his plan. And his new ideals prevent him from harming them. But he knows they stand in his way... and... some faint idea of XANA and Lyoko stand in his way too. But Lyoko is what his scheme requires, which also holds XANA, so he can't destroy either. [/hider] [b]Rules[/b] [hider] 1. No Powergaming. That means if you get in a fight, you can't just throw a punch and suspect to hit your enemy. This usually is for only other players, but I am expanding this to include NPCs, to help emphasis you are NOT as powerful as the old warriors, and things are not as easy as they would seem! If it's a small interaction between you and an NPC, and you understand how they would react, you are allowed to do so. If it is a player, ask exactly how they want you to PP them. 2. No Metagaming. If someone says something in OOC, you don't know it in IC. If XANA starts an attack, you can't suddenly know about it. If Sissy is about to pull a prank on you, you can't ninja your way out of it! 3. No Godmodding. A wall of lasers is going to hit you. Deal with it. Characters take blows, and in the real world, not very well. If you get thrown ten feet, you're going to be in a lot of pain. 4. Do not create computer-savvy characters. It makes it more interesting if we have a single person who knows how to run the computer, and it's no fun if everyone is a complete genius. 5. Do not create combat-related characters. We don't need tons of kung-fu masters, or army-brats, or anything similar to that. It's no fun if everyone already knows how to fight... make it more painful for your character, it makes the story more interesting! 6. No characters are allowed to be related to existing characters. You may not RP as any existing characters. We don't need a million Odd's sisters, or Ulrich's younger brothers, or anything like that. If you're out of ideas, create yourself! I'm pretty sure you're an interesting character. ;) 7. If you do not know about XANA, please do not try to find out "Like a boss!" and shove your way into a situation. Think about the show. Rarely did people ever find out... and how did they handle it when they did? You will be chosen to be a warrior in time, but only if you don't over push it! (Make sure you give a LITTLE push... just not "I FOUND IT! LET ME IN!") 8. What admins say, goes. 9. There is already a full story-line in mind, so please don't try to stray from it by going nutso and leading everything astray. I've had this happen many times before. 9. This is a secret rule! To prove you have read all of the rules, say hopscotch in your "other" section of your app! 10. Your character's outfit will be picked by me, as it is based off of your characters personality, and is better if someone other than yourself decides. (For example: Johnny A makes a poor child, but in the digital world they are super-ninja-cat with laser guns! No. That makes no sense!) If you have an idea for your outfit... fine... but please, make it reasonable. 11. Rules are meant to be MADE MORE OF! Rules will appear out of nowhere... BE WARNED. [/hider] [b]Maps[/b] [i]Kadic Junior High[/i] [hider] Kadic Junior High school (Also Kacid Academy) located in Sceaux, a suburb of Paris. [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070818173650/codelyoko/images/c/c0/Kadic.jpg[/img][img]http://images.wikia.com/codelyoko/images/a/aa/Garage_Kids_School.gif[/img] "Kadic is made up of various buildings, most of them connected to one another, others not. These buildings include the Dormitory Building, the Science Building, the Cafeteria,Administrative Building, and various other locations. Kadic also has a Park, a Track and a Recreation Room (opened in Wreck Room) for the students in their free time. Kadic is a boarding school, and therefore the students live there, though a small number of local students, including Yumi, commute to it as if it was a normal school. Classes occur 6 days a week, according to Ulrich, but there are no classes on holidays or Sundays. This may change, as most French schools are now adopting the American version of the school week. Students are allowed to leave the grounds with permission. The Sewers connect it to the Factory. There are various entrances to the Sewers as well, though the one in the Park is the most used. There is also a tunnel from the Gym. The school is also racially and culturally diverse, containing many people who are French-African or those of Japanese, Chinese, German, and Indian origin. The school hosts runs a number of clubs, ranging from the Pencak Silat classes taken by Ulrich and Yumi (and taught by Jim) to the film club run by Pierre Chardin, of which Odd was a member. Other clubs include the photo club and the drama club. Kadic also has its own paper, dubbed the Kadic News, run by Milly and Tamiya." -codelyoko.wikia Floorplans [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111222013261/codelyoko/images/thumb/1/1a/Plan_college.jpg/180px-Plan_college.jpg[/img] The Science Building, and some rooms. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/5/51/Track.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20120731035047[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111003211606/codelyoko/images/thumb/0/0f/1_mrs_hertz_laughing.png/185px-1_mrs_hertz_laughing.png[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209141145/codelyoko/images/thumb/6/6e/6_class.png/185px-6_class.png[/img] The Dormitory. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/9/93/200px-Dormitory_building.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120406213951[/img][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/e/e7/Jeremy_dorm.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120421044726[/img][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/a/a3/Ulrich_and_Odd%27s_dormitory.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20120123064012[/img][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/2/22/200px-Renaissance_143.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/180?cb=20120406214552[/img][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/2/22/William_dorm.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/180?cb=20121214224535[/img] The Cafeteria [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209230018/codelyoko/images/thumb/2/2b/Cafetetia.jpg/260px-Cafetetia.jpg[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110816175609/codelyoko/images/thumb/4/4d/2011-08-15_2116.png/185px-2011-08-15_2116.png[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130506024321/codelyoko/images/thumb/c/c2/Triple_sot_397.jpg/185px-Triple_sot_397.jpg[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100413161707/codelyoko/images/thumb/b/b8/Seeing_Is_Believing_Odd_recruits.gif/185px-Seeing_Is_Believing_Odd_recruits.gif[/img] The Park. [img]enter image description here](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/d/d2/Ghost_Channel_Meeting_in_the_park_image_1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20131108171045[/img] The Playground. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/f/f0/CL_Notice_Something_Weird.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/150?cb=20140105195337[/img][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/c/c2/Xanas_kiss_Jeremie_frozen_after_kiss_image_1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/150?cb=20130419061208[/img] The Administrative Building [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111104162532/codelyoko/images/thumb/4/44/College-dans-Lyoko-3_image_player_432_324.jpg/180px-College-dans-Lyoko-3_image_player_432_324.jpg[/img][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/a/ab/Infirmary.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20120209024404[/img] The Gym, run by Jim [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209021060/codelyoko/images/thumb/9/9b/Gym_outside.jpg/185px-Gym_outside.jpg[/img][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209020735/codelyoko/images/thumb/e/ec/Gym_inside.jpg/250px-Gym_inside.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]FACTORY[/i] [hider] This is the factory. It is the main center of the RP (Aside from the school) and is where the Lyoko Warriors enter Lyoko, and fight XANA. [img]http://i.imgur.com/E2qrSz2.jpg[/img] It has multiple floors, six in total. The top floor simply has walkways so you can walk around. There's also a bridge that enters in on this floor. To get down to the next floor, you must take the stairs that are towards the right on the entrance, or climb down one of the three ropes. The second floor is directly below, and contains the elevator that leads down. It also has a few rooms with various old equipment. It has access to staircases that lead down to the machine floor which leads to the boiler room. [img]http://images.wikia.com/codelyoko/images/1/13/Factory_floor.jpg[/img] The next floor down is the machine floor. It is accessed by a secret staircase from above, or the boiler room. [img]http://images.wikia.com/codelyoko/images/a/a9/Assembly_room.jpg[/img] The next floor down is the Lab, it contains the factories mainframe computer, which is also use to control the Super Computer. Jeremy hung out in that room most of the time. It is accessed by the lift, or a hatch from the Scanner room below. [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111021171235/codelyoko/images/thumb/4/42/Decors_008.jpg/280px-Decors_008.jpg[/img] The next room below is the Scanner room. It is used for transporting the Lyoko Warriors to Lyoko. It can be accessed through the lift, or a hatch that leads up to the Lab. [img]http://images.wikia.com/codelyoko/images/4/42/Scanner.jpg[/img] The last room is the Supercomputer room. It contains the Supercomputer, and is accessed by either using the lift, or an access hatch in the middle of the room, which connects to the Scanner room. There is no way down from the hatch, and must be roped down. [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081231201750/codelyoko/images/thumb/5/5f/Location6.jpg/250px-Location6.jpg[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070818173404/codelyoko/images/thumb/3/34/Supercomputer.jpg/185px-Supercomputer.jpg[/img][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209141025/codelyoko/images/thumb/6/6f/3_starting_up_the_computer.png/185px-3_starting_up_the_computer.png[/img] [/hider] Most (If not all) of these images are brought to you by http://codelyoko.wikia.com/wiki/! I did not take any of them, or claim to. [b]Application Form[/b] [hider] (Please copy the ENTIRE form, and then remove everything within () including said parenthesis) (Please fill out the entire form! If you're missing parts, you may ask questions, or you will be asked why you left it blank) Username: (YourAccountName) | Character Name: (YourCharactersName) | Character Age: (YourCharactersAge) | Character Gender: (YourCharactersGender) | Character Grade: (YourCharactersGrade) Appearance: (If you're having problems, start from the head! Hat? Hair? Face? Torso/Arms? Shirt? Legs? Pants? Height? Weight?) Personality: (If you seriously cannot come up with anything, you CAN RP this out) Biography: (Please come up with AT LEAST something) Other: (You can put any questions, ideas, or anything else here) [/hider] Please post your ACCEPTED characters in the characters section AFTER they have been accepted! Once you have a SINGLE POST there, edit it to add in all future characters! I don' want 20 pages for people to sift through... it's already going to get pretty hectic.