### Dysmoira Bazgard Rich golds and warm bronzes decorated the interior of a stone room that gave the impression of being carved out from the mountain it resided in - albeit expertly carved out, so that it had impressive design work over the doors and around niches that held braziers that gave the room a comforting glow. Even the frame of the bed that stood on a raised portion of the room seemed to melt up out of the floor, as if it belonged to the earth. A fluffy mattress, covered in silks and feather pillows, was placed within the carved bed frame... and on it, a dwarven woman drooled upon one of the aforementioned pillows, her hand outstretched to a open book on the other pillow as she dozed away. A resounding _boom_ heralded a stout dwarven woman as she threw open the door, her full beard trailing around her feet as she waddled over to the younger and much more sleepy dwarf on the bed. **"Dysmoira, you'll be quite late if you don't make a start."** The older woman said, placing a hand on the younger one's shoulder. Even still, she slept peacefully as if mocking the older dwarf. The latter's mouth went into a petulant smile and she did the only thing that was remotely reasonable at that current moment in time: _she flipped the mattress_, upending the younger dwarf and blankets to the floor. From beneath the upturned mattress and blankets, a hand shot out along with a muffled voice, **"Breakfast, mother!"** -------- _'Today is the day'_, Dys mused as she tore off a piece of bread and popped it into her mouth. She had the book she was reading during the night open in front of her, propped against a large wheel of cheese while she skimmed over the contents, barely absorbing the information as her mind reeled in excitement. On the table next to her book lay the summons that she had been waiting for eagerly. _'The headquarters of the bloody Luminous Knights,'_ Dys thought with a fierce grin, _'I better not keep my fans waiting.'_ Her grin only widened as she recounted her fellow Knights-to-be. She was fond of a few, they kept up with her humor. She took a long drag from the pitcher of mulled wine, foregoing her glass entirely. **"Ahhhh! That hits the spot."** She set the now nearly-empty pitcher back down and stood up from the table, scooping up her book and letter in one fluid motion. Her family had already said their goodbyes to her after she had gotten dressed in her armor and strapped her battleaxe across her back, so she was free to go without any further formalities. Her journey up from the Undermountain and through Triumph's Hold was one she had experienced time and time again, and so she kept her face buried in the book she was trying to distract herself with as she weaved around people. She _felt_ herself leaving the Luminous Shroud, the sensation for her was akin to removing a thin coat she had not realized she was wearing, the stripping of a layer of protection. She was given Tryndamere, a stout dwarf-sized horse, to ride to the headquarters and into battle, if she so wanted. She refused to take him into battle, he was too old for one, but for another... he was a complete coward. Dys shoved a hand into her belt pouch and came up with a sugar cube to feed to the old animal, and she gave his long nose a pat before swinging up into the stirrups and starting toward Meridian.