Currently with the lack of activity and Zombie's off and on MIA, I'm forced to make a hard decision. With a deep heart and great regret, I'm going to officially close down Apocalyptica. However, fear not as I've not given up or aim to have it stay dead forever, just merely while working on it with Tearstone, I've realize there's far more gaps, holes in key aspects of the world and more then I originally thought. So, I'm going to be working on this world slowly and taking my time to fill in those flaws, not making half ass fixes, and rebooting this rp at a much later time. Some of the things I'm hoping to put in Apoc v2.0 are these: - player made haven as the basic outline will be given but the rest is up to the player. This includes in who runs it, who is in charged of everything like crops, water, energy if there is any, etc. will be up to the players. - details of immune, if there are any, and what that can lead up to in the future. - a fully established timeline to help keep pcs United in their CSes. - I'm also considering having the world altered a bit, namely the change is that special infected will be just appearing now rather then a firmly established problem and allowing these to become the most recent threats of Apocalyptica in addition to old groups like 1007th and Legion. With each encounter, more info is revealed and no one will know how to combat them providing an interesting thing to explore.