>There is a village, deep in the wild High Moors were nothing civilized should be known as Falconrest. I discovered it while ranging and upon investigating it closely I found the town was impossibly peaceful. Despite the fact that they should be fending off globlinoids, beasts, and barbarians almost every month, they have only one constable who does not seem to have any martial training that I could tell. Yet I have never seen so much as a wolf come within three mile of the town. That was until last night. While hunting I finally saw it, a barbarian raiding party heading straight for town it’s from sheer size it the town would have fallen in meer moments. However what I saw next explains the passiveness of the townsfolk and filled me with horrible dread. Fiends, appeared from the air and slaughtered the barbarian’s. As quickly as they appeared they simply vanished. >I do not believe this was an illusion, there was no trickery, fiends are appearing in Falconrest. They seem to be protecting the town, however I am not certain as to why yet. I need help to investigate this. Please find and send aid, I will wait for them on the at Gerrick’s dock on the south shore of High Star Lake for the last ten-day of Summertide. Do not let them delay, dark things are afoot. >-Korick the Rover The halfling Korick sat on the ruined beams that was known as Gerrick’s dock smoking from a stubby pipe. The rotted ruin of an old fisher’s pier that was now simply another landmark for the ferry-men who traveled the crystal clear waters of High Star Lake. Behind him Beth, a 900 pound bear, waited patiently for him on dry land. He kept his eyes trained on the water for boats, and glanced at the shore to either side of him often. Breaking up the monotony of his vigil with the occasional puff. The smoke helped keep him awake while keeping him calm as he waited for people to arrive.