_"Akira, I have to go, okay? I'll be back some day. I'll write, so please..." "Lee! Lee! Don't leave me, I'm begging you! I don't want to be alone!" The world grew black, and papers replaced the shadowed boy, letters that incited anger and excitement in her heart. Letters of his missions with the freedom fighters, and how much he missed her. And then they stopped, suddenly. That day, instead of a letter appearing at her apartment step, a woman did instead. "I'm sor-ry... Lee... Vanished... Gone... Gone... Gone"_ **Republic City 9:00 AM Green Heights Apartments ** The complex stood silent in the middle of a bustling slum. Fog covered the streets, hiding the smog-covered sky in a sheet of white. It was a cold morning, and people rushed around quickly, hoping to loiter in warm shops and restaurants for the time being as the daily alley check went on. The police weren't very friendly in this part of town, and it was almost apart of the poor's routine to run away from their sleeping place before the clocks read nine. Inside Green Heights, no one stirred. Most of the Jiyu workers were already down in the basement, and the rest were either preparing for their normal jobs or sleeping in. A near-empty apartment stood within the plant-covered complex, quiet as can be, yet glowing like a star through the foggy-morning air. From the half-covered windows, papers could be seen. Large stacks of whites and grays and yellows, covered in a scrawling, messy handwriting that would be impossible to read to most. Cups were the next prominent thing, empty coffee holders that had yet to be thrown out of washed. Finally, between the stacks of papers and Styrofoam, a head could be seen, face down on the desk. Black hair, rough from lack of brushing, curled viciously across the wooden surface and hid Akira's face from the light of the desk-lamp that gleamed on throughout the hours. She had fallen asleep a mere two hours ago, just after she had finished compiling the information needed, and with everything figured out she definitely deserved a good nights sleep. But now wasn't the time for sleep, it seemed, as her wrist suddenly buzzed to life. She woke with a start, nearly knocking over a pile of papers as her knee slammed into the bottom of the desk and her hand quickly spread out to gather the mass. Akira's head rose slowly, hair covering half her face as her sleep-filled eyes drifted across the desk slowly, finally landing on the watch on her left wrist. Words echoed from within it slowly, a wake up call from Tai-Mei, and then her pocket vibrated as well. She flicked open her phone, eyebrows lowering as she was reminded of the fact that she would be working with a new team for the mission she was supposed to have completed by now, and with a small smirk she snapped it closed and stood, stretching until her back let out a satisfying crack. "There goes my day of rest... Better get ready." A soft sigh escaped her lips, and with the laziness of a cat she drifted towards an open door, slipping inside silently. With the flick of a light, a small bathroom appeared, tiled and dirty from years of abandonment and recent use, and Akira wandered quickly into the square room, stripping and prepping the shower. She, of course, couldn't help but sneer at the dirt-covered floor, but with her current money situation, she couldn't get anything better. In newer homes and buildings, most rooms would be based around holograms. They could appear to be anything the user would like, from a fancy dinning room, to a grand bathroom room. Holograms were the new "in" thing. _And I'm too poor to afford an actual apartment, let alone a hologram._ Steam clung to the mirror as the shower-head spat hot water down into the tub, and Akira ran her fingers through her hair slowly, washing the slickness away as her eyes glared daggers at her feet. To tell the truth, her heart was pounding furiously over the thought of working with a bunch of new agents. She was never one to connect with others, and yet Tai-Mei always says that she believes leading to be Akira's best aspect. Another sigh came from her parted lips, and she turned her eyes upward, allowing the hot water to run over her face. Her mind finally started to blank with ease as her sore muscles and aching head subsided with the spitting water, and as peace finally claimed her for the time being she stopped the water and stepped out, drying quickly with a nearby towel. Water dripped onto the tiled floor, sliding carefully through the cracks and then vanishing as Akira threw her towel down and exited the room. The rest of at apartment was basically bare of furniture, save for the desk covered in papers, a closet for clothing, and a messy futon that had been left in a frazzled state. She really had no need for anything else, since all she really did do was work and sleep. There was a kitchen downstairs to use and a gym full of equipment to train with, so why get anything else, right? Akira dressed quickly and brushed her hair until it was sleek and dry before finally setting out, exiting her bottom-floor room into a narrow hall. The hall light flickered dimly across the sepia-toned walls and floor, and whispers from nearby rooms filled the air. Whispers of what they should do for the day, or what jobs they would be put on. Perhaps some of those whispers belonged to her new teammates? A third sigh appeared, and with one last look at her wrist she started towards the lobby. The dimness of the hall soon melted into the white light of the morning, and Akira glanced sideways at the fog just outside the window before making a b-line for elevator. Once inside, she pressed her watch to the button that read "BA". There was a moment of silence, then a ding as the descent began, and she glanced at her hands quietly, face formed into a stone mask. The elevator let out another ding, and the door slid open carefully, revealing a stark difference from the lobby above. In this basement room, computers (though, older than most would have now a days) lined tables, and a large meeting area was arranged in the center. Many people were already hard at work at many of the computers, speaking carefully into headsets and taping away at keys. Akira knew this part of the complex like the back of her hand; to her left was a brightly lit hall that lead to a dojo/training area and meditation room, and to her right a break room and Tai-Mei's apartment. It was a small set up, yet a helpful one, and with only a slight smile Akira stepped down into the center of the room, seating herself at the head of the table. Some workers lifted their heads and nodded as she passed, others simply ignored her presence, acting as if they didn't realize she had arrived. That was fine though, Akira realized she didn't exactly have the best reputation or appearance, so others would easily be able to hate her or ignore her. _Hopefully none of my team is like that... Shit, stop worrying..._ She rose her wrist to her lips, and murmured a quick, "Send them down," before sitting back, letting out her fourth and final sigh. It was going to be long day.