**NAME:** Jun Khando **AGE:** 23 **GENDER:** Male **ELEMENT:** Air **APPEARANCE:** ![enter image description here](http://data1.whicdn.com/images/71698379/large.jpg "enter image title here") Jun is marked by both an unusually tall height at just over 6'1” and an unhealthily thin weight of 130lbs – far beyond what he describes as merely a “long and lanky” shape. His ankles and wrists are weak, his lightweight bones plagued with brittleness and his body cursed with the unfortunate inability to maintain muscle. On colder, rainier days, a limp is emphasised as his joints lock up. While not an illness per se, Jun's condition is a combination of unlucky genetics and absolute refusal to fuse himself with technology as many of his family suffering the same plight have already done. Outwardly, though, Jun's face is always an unmistakeable picture of cheer and delight. With grey eyes, pale skin (which only adds to the sickly feeling) and the delicate features typical of an airbender heritage, the only thing contradicting his almost-traditional choice of apparel is his haircut, or lack thereof. With unkempt curly brown hair, untameable for the most part, he is by no means a monk. Overall, with his ever-present wolfish grin, Jun appears much younger than his actual age – almost as if he is still a teenager. Jun dresses in light synthetic fabrics – typically fawn and black to provide the illusion of real leather – though in terms of actual armour value it is rather light, focusing on flexibility and speed as well as being able to bend with him to prevent tearing or stiffness. He has an unusual preference for caps and has a collection of varying colours, as well as a bandana holding his long hair in place. During airbending, his old-fashioned slippers often fall off, though her refuses to replace them with a pair of shoes with actual laces. Mostly, Jun stands out for his *lack* of obvious technology in his dress and sort-of adherence to the primitive 'old ways' of elemental bending. He does, however, carry various interesting items in his many pockets that may include smoke bombs and flash grenades, portable holograms as well as a whole pocket full of plastic zipties to help with his vigilantism. His only lethal weapon is a steel garrotte, though he prefers to use whatever he can pick up around him – lead pipes are a favourite. **ABILITIES:** A talented airbender despite his woeful physical condition (which is surprisingly good, considering), Jun's skills in bending are not formally trained but easily effective due to the comparative rarity of his powers. Choosing to hone his speed over improving his pitiful strength was a wise choice – he is extremely swift, acrobatic in his movements and particularly good at evading attacks, following a similar style to the ancient Air Nomads. Through years of practice, his speed is well above the average bender's, though he focuses almost too much on that one area to tire out his opponent and *then* strike. Life in an impoverished area of the city has given him more than enough unpredictable attacks for his arsenal, and his fighting style is far from generic now. A few years of formal martial arts training by a has-been monk serves him well when added to his tactical use of gadgets – though nothing too high tech. Stealth is not his strong point, but cunning is, and he's not above using dirty techniques (like pocket sand!) to achieve his goals of not-dying. Jun uses the various wires and cables around the city to make his way around and has a good knowledge of alternate paths that require excellent balance – or an airbender's abilities – to cross. More than once he has taken a bedsheet from a washing line for a joyride using the air currents that howl between the draughty heights of the skyscrapers. He has had no luck creating an air sphere beneath him to whizz around on, but can push an enemy back when it comes to the raw force of the wind, wielding it almost like a blade at times. His day job – to predict the weather for the various television stations – has made him quite adept and guessing whether it's going to be rain or shine, too. **PERSONALITY:** Jun is, first and foremost, an extrovert. He dislikes loneliness – both in himself and others – and can be quite heavy-handed in his attempts to erase it, making friends with those who have none. He's about as subtle as a brick in that regard, easy-going and pleased to make friends “just for the sake of it”. As a dreamer, Jun has often been called lazy and foolish, his ambitions to become a police officer belittled more than once due to how impossible they were; his sense of justice was far stronger than his weak body. He is prone to impulsive decisions – such as helping to fight the crimes he sees while on his routine wandering of the city – but lives a strict path of no regrets and no apologies. It can be infuriating to others, since he refuses to repent for past actions and see that he has done wrong. It borders on the arrogant. **BRIEF BIO:** Jun comes from a family of airbenders fallen by the wayside due to poor health conditions and a lack of recognisable talent. While bending is common amongst his siblings and parents and aunts and uncles, very few of them opted to continue practising their childhood abilities due to the inevitable end of it: better to receive bionics and be able to work, than not and have only bending to live on. Jun, however, swore not to follow this path despite having more reason than others to replace his weak bones – he loved the freedom too much to choose a different path, and was too proud once on it to admit he was wrong to follow his dreams. His childhood, as a result, was marked by hard work spent in – arguably – the wrong places. School would be a footnote of future records of his achievements, he often told himself, and found himself other things to do rather than study. Jun never was the most intelligent, though he could have passed if he applied himself; however, he dropped out early and was eventually forced to get a job with the weather station on family connections alone, doomed to a monotonous application of airbending for the rest of his life. And then he decided that he couldn't become a functional member of society – couldn't allow the various crimes of the world to go unpunished – and thus began the barely-interesting story of the unnamed vigilante, preventing robberies and murders in alleyways everywhere. With how reckless he's been, it's a miracle he hasn't died yet, but it turns out all of the hours he put in as a child and teenager in an effort to become a big-name hero really did work.