Morning. Usually, mornings for her meant waking up to a shouting harpy of an aunt telling her to get her butt out of bed or she'd be turned into a toad for being lazy. Well, that was the usual until two years ago, and any training she had in getting up early had flown promptly out the window when she left. The witch known as Lucille Verity Prolux was still asleep as the sun began to rise on a new day. Well, if what she was doing could be called 'sleeping'. Currently, it looked as though she half fell out of her bed in the middle of the night. The back of her head was currently resting on the floor while the rest of her was still perched awkwardly on the bed. That is, until a bird began pecking at her window. She woke with a start, letting out a small squeal of terror in the process. **"No! Not the nachos! Anything but the nachos! I want to live!"** her upper body jerked upwards...or attempted to. Instead of sitting up, it looked like she was trying to do some type sit up on the edge of her bed. Unfortunately, gravity didn't let that happen for long. Her head hit the floor with a thud, causing a wave of pain through her entire body. Unfortunately, the force of gravity saw to it that the rest of her body came along with her this time. Her legs ended up on top of her as she looked up at the ceiling. **"Owwwwieeee..."** She whined, as she righted herself and rubbed the back of her head where a bruise was forming. Wait a minute...where was she? How'd she get here? Did the evil nacho people get her?! Oh, that's silly. Nacho people don't exist. Right, right, she was at an Inn in a quaint little town she had stumbled upon while travelling. She stood with a smile as she looked about the room she had rented. It was simple, with just the basic necessities. She wasn't one much for extravagant surroundings, unlike Auntie. Well, today was the first day of Spring, which meant it was a new year! She had only been in town for a few days, and she had spent most of the time indoors trying to get used to the place. Now that it was Spring, it would be a good idea to get a look around town and get to know people. She hoped they were friendly.... She threw on her usual attire which consisted of a black tanktop that looked like something out of some manga or fantasy novel, a short white cloak that hooked onto the tanktop with a blue sapphire gem, gloves, some almost ridiculously short shorts, and boots. Ah, can't forget her hat or bracelets either. And the most important thing? A small wand she used to perform magic tricks with. Yes, that's right, magic. Not just smoke and mirrors either. Magic. Conjuring fire out of nowhere and turning people into toads. That type of magic. Not that she would ever show anyone her talents...or that they would ever really believe her. In any case, now that she was fully dressed, she left the Inn with a cheery smile on her face as she headed for town square. That would be the best place to meet people and get to know them. After getting turned around a few times, she finally made it to the square, not surprised to see a few other people already there. She should probably introduce herself to them - they looked friendly. Even the one with the creepy eye patch.