Having woken a bit later than usual, Sophie scrambled to get breakfast made so that she could eat and get on with her usual chores. She'd spent the New Years Night reading a rather interesting book and the book decided it wanted to be read in it's entirety that night, so Sophie happily obliged. And now she was paying the price... As she finished putting the eggs on the pan, she turned and rubbed her tired eyes and began looking for Kiri. Before she knew it, she smelled the tall-tale signs of eggs being burnt and wheeled around to take the pan off of the burner. However, as she did so, the eggs went slide off of the pan and fell into Kiri's near by food bowl. Rather ironically, this is when the feline friend decided to make herself seen as she trotted over to see the new found contents of her food dish. Upon seeing the rather dark eggs, the cat turned a nose up at Sophie as if to say, "Really?" and then trotted away. The poor girl simply sighed, resigned to her fate and cleaned up Kiri's food disk, putting fresh cat food in there for her. Soon, she was back again and having her fill as Sophie cleaned and put away her failed attempt at a nice breakfast. Instead, she settled for cereal, hoping that it also wasn't an endeavor too difficult for her. A few minutes later, Sophie was sitting, staring at her empty bowl of cereal when she suddenly realized what all she still needed to get done. Quickly, she washed the bowl in the sink and put it away before making her way downstairs. First, she grabbed the broom and dustpan and began sweeping, making her way through the second floor, to the first, and then the front porch where she stayed for a few minutes, enjoying the view as she hummed a small tune her grandmother had taught her to raise her spirits.