Travis could already tell that Patchy would be trouble. He may not be on to his scheme, but he's mocking his attitude, and that means either annoyance or trouble. Not only that, but he got a giggle out of the girl. Considering the syringe he pulled out, he must be a doctor of some kind. Travis let his mind calculator start working. (Inside the inner mind of Travis Rollins) "Doctor=Money, Hitting on Woman=Single, Single=No one is at his house, Empty House=Easy to Loot. By the money theory, this means that Patchy is going to make a generous donation to me." Travis smirked, coincidentally at the same time the silent girl finished her charades, judging by the last motions (A point to the tables, muscle flexing, and pointing at us) she wanted he and Patchy to do some kind of chore for her. "I believe I understand, you want us to grab some of these heavy ornaments and place them like you are doing now? Not a problem at all!" Just then, another female entered, Travis believed he had made the correct choice, since so many beautiful women seemed to have resided in this one area. He decided to "Help" her as well. He turned to Patchy. "Excuse me good sir. I feel awful for leaving a responsibility I had promised no less than 30 seconds ago, however the girl seems to be in a bit of a fix. I'll return to this task as soon as she seems calmer. But I would love to continue a conversation with you. Ta-ta" Travis excused himself and walked toward the woman who looked quite a bit like a witch. "Ok, so the woman's insane" he thought to himself, "However, that's a nice looking gem connecting her coat, and the coat doesn't look that bad either. I think I'll make a quick pick-up before I move onto Patchy." Travis approached the witchy girl more cautiously than he did the other one. Seeing her appear more nervous. "Hello there," Travis began. "I apologize if anything my newly discovered acquaintances or I have done scared you." Travis motioned to the kegs and table. "I happen to be new here as well, Let's try this again over a drink. Hello, my name is Travis Rollins, the owner and barkeep of "The Tree Sap" the extraordinary new bar that's sponsoring this year's drinking contest. May I please ask your name?"