Terra cried, she was by no means weak or emotionally unstable but in the last twenty four hours she had thought a curse that long rested on her had been lifted and the next moment had that hope snatched from her grasp. So Terra cried, letting her impressions of time slip away, she let the tears fall. Terra could have sat there cradling herself for minutes or hours or years but no time would be enough to melt the fierce desperate longing inside her, the longing to be able to touch someone without turning them to stone or to be mad with someone and let her anger run free without the fear of her rage turning them to cinders. Terra didn't remember how long she stayed there in the center of her scorched earth. The next thing she was aware of after the tears was a voice. "Little lady! Where is Pyro friend?" the man's voice sounded gruff and foreign. He spoke like the inhabitants of Narashe far in the north, you or I hearing it may have called it a Russian accent. "And how did you survive burnings?" He added it as a sort of afterthought like it wasn't really his main concern. Terra gave a sad almost pathetic smile into her knees. 'Little Lady' he said it like she was gentle and safe... and harmless. "I'm... s-s-sorry." Terra said her breath coming in raged gasps because of her tears. "I-I d-don't kn-now anyone n-named Pyro." She struggled to speak through her tears. Another shuddering sob wracked Terra's body and she clenched into an even tighter ball. When it had passed she moved her head slightly to get a look at whom she was speaking to. He was a very large man, two feet taller than her and built heavy with muscle, unlike Locke and Edgar whose toned builds had been subtle this man's screamed of the kind of work he did, messy manual labor, combined that with the scars she could see on his arms it was clear what his occupation was, wet work, putting bodies in the ground. He was dressed oddly in a kind of red clothing she had never seen before; it was so bright it seared her eyes. Lastly he was carrying a strange weapon, she'd seen designs for such things before, built into the arms of Magitech armor. That could mean only one thing; he held her former rank as a Magitech Elite. He worked for the Gestahlian Empire. He worked for Kefka. Upon realizing this Terra hopped to her feet adrenaline running through her system, her fight or flight responses warring with each other. Terra took two steps back. She'd once destroyed fifty of the Empire's best soldiers, burned so hot that not even their bodies remained. She had sworn to herself never again. She would defend herself but if she could help it there would be no casualties today. Fire burned behind Terra's eyes and flame lept forth over her arms, cloaking them in red hot light. "Stay away from me!" She shrieked at the man. "I don't want to hurt you but I will never go back to the Empire! Kefka will never use my powers again! I'd sooner die!" She screamed for the entire world to hear, and in response the flames coating her arms danced more violently and the fire in her eyes burned brighter, more intense, ready to incinerate any threat.