Wheatley looked from one person to another, settling an uneasy glance on each person before quickly looking at the next. He watched as the bigger man walked away with a sort of determination he envied. "W-w-wait. Where are you going? Don't you think we should stay together? I mean- what if it was a monster or something? Monsters breather fire, right? Hey!" But the man kept walking, paying no attention to him. No one ever paid attention to him. A fiery rage filled his body and the nervous shake stopped. He unhunched his back and stood his full six feet and seven inches tall, towering over the other people. The unnaturally bright blue of his eyes turned an even less natural shade of red. "*System overheating. Emergency cooldown protocol going into effect in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...*" He collapsed again, eyes rolling back. "*System rebooting. Cooldown complete.*" "Bloody hell! What's the point of even having emotions if I can't even *use* them?" He stood up, the anger on his face much more controlled. "Pointless, right? I suppose it makes quite a spectacle." Just in case this *was* a trick GLaDOS was playing, he looked up at the sky and shouted. "I Hope you're suitably entertained because I'm certainly not! Jeez. Damn computer has the worst sense of humor." He shook his head. He looked back towards the man and saw that he was no longer alone. There was a girl with him. So the noise had come from another person. Was she the cause of the fireball or a victim of it? Wheatley was still too focused on his hurt feelings to really think about it much, but the questions still laid in the back of his mind, coloring his anger with confusion. Then all of it went away. She backed away from the man, igniting once more in brilliant fire. All confusion and anger melted into complete and utter awe. As frightening as it was, it was beautiful.