Looks like his troops had failed to secure control over the Exeralune, his greatest clue being when it started firing on his ship, and to make matters worse some of their shots were hitting, revealing his position despite his cloaking due to the distortions caused by the damage. His shields could withstand the attack for now but he had other ships incoming and he would soon be caught in a barrage of fire with no hope of hiding again as long as he couldn't shake his opponent. On the bright side his elite troops managed to safely dock with him so it looked like he had to cut his losses and call it quits now. "Before the Furzai and IGCP ships converge on our location, slip out through that position!" He ordered, pointing somewhere on the view screen occupied only by empty space. Their cosmodrive strained to speed up to faster than light travel so close to the planet but it slowly managed to lurch forward, quicker and quicker until it vanished out of sight a safe distance away, giving covering fire at the Exeralune to make sure it didn't have free reign attacking it while it was turning tail to run. Although taking several hits during this process, it was unlikely to have completely incapacitated them judging by how they still managed to get away. ******************** "Our cosmodrive is still not fully charged up enough to give chase," the AI informed the Captain. "Looks like I was a little rustier than I thought on this early startup." "No worries," the Captain replied. "We managed to stop the enemy attack and save many lives in the process, no need to go on a hunt when we still need time to lick our wounds. We'll leave the others in charge of tracking them down. In the mean time, I want a complete head count on who managed to make it onto the ship, who's still waiting for us on the planet, and who's no longer with us. We'll need to think about getting our numbers back up to full capacity before taking further action, but I do have a few people in mind who might just come in handy for this endeavor. Let me give them a ring. I'll be in my office if any of you need anything. Otherwise, let's land this bird and do whatever it is you need to do after signing in at one of the computer terminals on the ship." With that, he swooshed out of his seat and then strolled quickly out of the bridge. ******************** The AI repeated the situation and the Captain's orders throughout the ship to give everyone a heads up. Then she got to Isaac, letting out a sighing noise for the benefit of letting him known she got the innuendo and was getting tired of this conversation. However, this was more-so due to the circumstances. The man himself had piqued her interest somewhat even if he was just a squishing mortal. "I already have a robotic body near the central computer room, but I won't stop you from trying out your own laughable attempt," she said. "I'd love to see more of what you're capable of as long as you don't end up boring me." ******************** "Ignore this. Ignore, ignore, ignore..." M'rayl thought to herself, squeezing her eyes shut as he was in contact with her. Now would be the point where the girl would slap him across the face and leave a hand print in a lot of the anime she had watched, but unlike cartoons she couldn't just randomly start hitting people over accidents. Especially injured people who might be down to their last few hit points. Luckily he managed to break free without further incident. At least for now. She then heard the message and gave a nod to thin air as if they could see her affirmative. "Guess I better check in so they know I'm okay. I'll give you a hand to the medical bay or the computer terminal to check in as well if you'd like," she offered, extending out her right hand. "And let's hope the ride goes a little bit smoother this time." She let out an awkward chuckle after her joke to show that she wasn't mad at him.