Victoria looked at Bur'nak when he jolted up and started pacing like a mad man a bit and was wondering what he was talking about. She just watched him for a bit until he looked at her with the panick look on his face as she watched him for she was confused when he said that Creed was not the true werewolf lord. "Wait what?" She asked as she got up and wlaked over to him as she listened to him as he explained and had to admit she was a bit shocked with what he explained to her. "Bur'nak calm down listen like you said you were nor born in the village or palace so what other choice did you have you did not grow up with the other werewolves to ehar different stories and stuff." Victoria said to him for she was letting him know that it sometimes in those kind of situations you kind of had to trust. "So please calm down and if Creed is not the true werewolf lord then who is the true lord of the werewolves?" She asked him for if what he said was true where was the real werewolf lord. Victoria saw how Bur'nak was still freaking about all the inncent people he had killed and tooken homes from and grabbedhis hands and held them. "Bur'nak calm down please take a deep breath you were infulenced by Creed with what he told you its normal if I were in your shoes with the vampires and I really did not know anything of course I would follow blindly." She said to him and looked at him worried."WE will think of something we just need to rethink the whole think or something." Victoria said to him.