Name: Gabriel, The Wanderer, Cain, Loki, The First, The Pretender, The Ancient One. Also goes by Gabe Age: Unknown Appearance: ![Appearance]( "enter image title here") Weaponry: Gabriel wields nothing besides his cane, which he carries around seemingly for purely artistic reasons. Or, potentially, it's a memento of events that are lost to the memory of the world. Powers: The full extents of Gabriel's capabilities are completely unknown. According to some, he is merely a pretender to the throne, capable only of minor illusions. Others claim to have seen him level entire cities with a mere whim, resurrect the dead, and cure even the most vile of diseases. What is known is that, despite multiple attempts, SOLDIER has never been able to capture Gabriel. Furthermore, all data of encounters with Gabriel in the past has been expunged, available only to the highest government authorities. Personality: Gabriel is whimsical and cruel, as well as being amazingly arrogance. There are many reports of him dating human females, all of whom were under the impression that he was a rich, famous figure, and none of which recalled what he looked like. Recently, he stole a military helicopter to 'pick up a date', leaving an IOU at the site of the crime. To Gabriel, life is nothing more than a game, and human lives are to be played with as he sees fit.