Chàrlie stepped up in line once more as a girl went in. She tapped her foot impatiently, there were still plenty in front of her. God, this would be so much quicker if they had made the older students go in first because they knew the drill. A small frown tugged at the corner of her lips, and she crossed her arms over her chest. She moved up again, but simultaneously a boy swerved to avoid the traffic of the hallway, and careened directly into her. The papers that filled his arms seemed to explode in a flurry. Chàrlie stiffened in alarm, them realizing what had happened, let out a groan. As the boy hastily gathered up what he had dropped, saying a prompt "Excuse me." Chàrlie bent over, almost knocking heads with the boy as she squatted to help him. "Here, let me help you out." She grabbed some of the papers closest to her, smoothing out the more roughed up ones. She stood and handed what she had collected to him. "Here you are," and reading his apologetic expression, added on an "It's alright." Minutes later, the girl that had walked in previously finally exited Mr.Delmas's office. She averted her eyes from her gaze, not wanting to draw attention to herself further, but to no avail. The girl headed straight toward her, a forced smile on her face. It seemed she was in the same boat that Chàrlie was in, compelled to make new friends. However unlike Chàrlie, the girl was new. She introduced herself as Sayuri, and Chàrlie in response nodded her head and smiled. "Welcome to Kadic Sayuri. Happy to have you here." A possible lie, she didn't know how the girl acted, she could be as rude as Sissi. She stepped up in line again. She turned to face the line, but still continued to talk to the girl. "Je m'apelle Chàrlene, but you can call me Chàrlie. Sure I can show you around-- meet me here and I'll make good on my promise. I just have to talk to Monsieur Delmas and get everything all set. D'acorrd? That okay?" She tilted her head and looked at her, brown curls bouncing ever so slightly. Her gaze flicked to the boy, who was still there. "You come too, non?" Finalement. It was her turn. She waved at Sayuri and the boy then walked into Monsieur Delmas's office. She sat down in the seat before his desk, smiling politely at the principal. "Bonjour, Mr. Delmas. Long time no see? Surprised to see me back?" Before he could reply, she abruptly got to the point. "I'm staying with my Mémé Lani again this year, so I don't have to board." Her smile turned more prettily, and she batted her eyelashes. "So you don't have to go through the trouble of setting me up with a roommate."