Kai scrambled into the rundown cantina, watching out the door fr a few seconds to ensure he wasn't followed. Once he was certain that he was clear he turned to the room full of patrons and gave his eyes some time to adjust before searching for his contact. Tucked in a back corner booth was a pale Zabrak. Kai moved to him smoothly, taking the seat opposite him. Kai nonchalantly glanced around the cantina. He wanted to be sure no prying eyes or ears were nearby. It was just good business. Certain there were no eaves being dropped he placed a hand inside his coat, feeling the coarse parcel beneath his touch. "So, mind telling me why I almost became bantha fodder for these schematics? I mean this is probably for some big weapon or something, huh? I think my payment should reflect the risks that were involved. I mean a Bothan nearly died getting you this intel." The Zabrak listened patiently, but the scorn on his face only grew as Kai continued to talk. "Your payment is perfectly adequate," he finally spoke, sliding a credit chip across the table. "Now, give me the data. My employer will be most pleased to learn of your success. Perhaps you might even become his sole contractor, assuming you can keep that big mouth of yours shut." Kai kept both paws tucked beneath his coat. One was over the parcel. The other was wrapped around his blaster. Whether you're a smuggler, bounty hunter, or a simple thief one must always be prepared to shoot first. "Well that's excellent, assuming there's a huge pay increase." He tossed the package across the table. It was a small envelope with a holodisk inside filled with data from one of the largest weapons manufacturers on Balmorra. He didn't look at the data. That's how one gets themselves offed. However, he didn't need to be a genius to know it was big and dangerous. And he didn't need to be a spy to know this man was an envoy of the Sith Empire. That was not his business, nor his politics, however. Instead, he grabbed the credstick and thanked the puppet for his time and money. With a scoff the Zabrak stood from the booth and headed for the door. "Goodbye to you too, you pointy headed nerfherder," he muttered under his breath before waving over a server. A young boy with dirty finger nails and unkempt hair sauntered over to him. "Let me get a drink little man. Don't much care what it is, so long as it's from the top shelf." He thought for a second before stopping the boy. "Eh, middle shelf." As the boy walked away Kai couldn't help but feel for the kid. He knew he was a slave and he would place good money on the fact that serving drinks wasn't this boy's only duties. The galaxy was a big place with many tastes and preferences. Any slave owner would do well to cater to the needs of all his customers, assuming he was a loathsome scumbag.