**Volray** . Volray still did not look at her, but it seemed she was kind of fine. "y..Yeah medbay would be nice" He lifted his shirt to check the wounds and exhaled, sure it hurt, and breathing like exhaling was even more painful but he had experienced worse, both on the field but also with his own arms spikes when they had came in years back. "Do I really have to check in, I am not a member of our ship" he did not wanted to say crew, feeling it reminded him too much of his own. - ---------------------- - **Alexis** . Alexis looked away from the giant monster when he was put on his feet "yeah... I kinda meant with catching me" Slowly he started to move sideways towards the door. "If you dont mind, I think I am fine, just needed some rest, so.... I'll..... be.... BYE" He yelled at the end as he started to run out of the medbay as fast as he could, which, being a agile Glaizart meant he was pretty fast. . After a short but pretty far dash, when he ran around a corner he slammed against something, well likely more someone but he was so focused on getting as far away from that medical beast that he failed to notice if the thing he slammed into even had an aura to start with. - ---------------------------------------- - **Isaac** . He smiled at the, well computer funny enough. "I'll try my best, say may I see your body, If I know what it can, maybe I can find something to enhance it with, you dont have to get in it if you dont want to, just show me the way my lady" He really liked this computer, if she had a real body, well real as in flesh or something similar, he would definitely try to date her. Yes he knew that sounded line, well discriminating but it would be weird to date an AI, even if she had a robot body, its like dating a robot, so unless... . Suddenly he had an Idea, even if he never has a chance to date her, he could try to do something that as far as he knows has never been done before. find a way to use magiwaves in order to make a body that looks and acts like a real flesh body, able to change its appearance so the AI can look like any humanoid she wants, feel like how it is to be a fleshy live form, with working 5 senses, yes even touch, pain and pleasure, well the pain would get a button s she can shut that down if needed. Perhaps he can even create sexual organs, maybe even go so far to create an artificial womb. . Magitech could really do wonders with this.