Wesker stood with his arms crossed, a favorable position for him in all honesty, one he took when he was perplexed about something but could not figure out the answer to a question he might be asking. Honestly he did not know where he was or how he had gotten hear, in fact all he really remembered was falling towards crashing rocks below, because of that bitch Jill had tackled him out a window overlooking a cliff, once again taking the satisfaction of killing Chris from his hands. When he had awoken here he had been alone, but as he stood at his usual height of 6'5" upon an a small hill he watched, other strange beings had appeared here too. Most looked human but he could not help but think they acted very peculiar for humans. No to mention... some of them seemed to have powers, the girl was the one he pointed this towards the most, he had watched her engulf herself in flames, in fact he had been watching her since she woke up, it was her screaming that had drawn the others towards her. She probably did not notice him however for he was standing a rather long distance away, his eye's however gave him the ability to see long distances as if he was actually there up close, however he would be a small black dot to them. It was a rather useful ability which had come in handy more then once in his long existence. That fire ability reminded him of Alexia, that overpowered bitch of a T-Virus sample. Did this woman possess the T-Virus herself? Was that even possible at this point that there was someone whom he didn't know about who could handle the virus? No... there was no possible way, it was impossible, the only last know samples were in a place only Wesker knew of and no one would ever be able to get them. Which begged the question... if she didn't have the T-Virus then what did she have? Wesker silently drew his eye's off the small rag tag group as his vision returned to normal, replacing the pair of sunglasses on his face he tried to think back to where he had been before he woke up here. There had to be some kind of logical assessment that would determine how he had suddenly found himself in this grassy hell. Closing his eye's he went over his last few moments before, the only things he remembered. [Skip to one minute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuYUK5Ttg5U) Opening his eye's he remembered when he was falling, but he did not ever remember landing, in fact from the moment he was launched out the window it was as if his memory went blank. But what did this even mean? There was no real explanation that he could come up with for why he was placed here, or how even he was placed here. But there was one thing he did know however... that if he got put here, then there was a way back out of here, and he was going to find it because no one traps him like an animal in a cage. However currently Wesker wondered if any of these misfits knew anything of why they were here, removing his sunglasses again he concentrated and restricted his eye's, when he had a clear view of the group again, the same woman from before was now in a defensive position, fire was violently licking her arms, a large man was in front of her and he seemed to the be the one she was going to attack. Wesker watched the scene unfold as a man came up to her what he was saying was unknown to him, but from his demeanor he looked as if he was trying to calm her down. Maybe it would just be better if he kept his distance from these others, and figured this out on his own. After all he was better off working alone... he never did get along with others. An judging from the scene in front of him, they did not seem like they knew each other, at least not well, which if conclusions served correct, that they must have mysteriously awoken here too. That meant they were useless to him, for he did not want nor need help. However... he would keep an eye on them, perhaps they would end up being of use to him in time.