Name: Bjorn the Fell-Handed Age: 10,000+ Gender: Male Appearance: ![]( Canon, AU, or OC?: AU Universe of Origin: Warhammer 40,000 Personality: Many see Bjorn as the oldest and wisest mind in the Imperium, due to his being the last living being to have faught alongside a Primarch. Although he is wise and battlethirsty, not many knew that he was a notorious womanizer. It's suspected that he might actually be the ancestor to many of the current Space Wolves... It's the reason that he was nicknamed "The Fellhanded" as, during one long hunt, he nipped behind a large bolder for some personal relief and was caught by Leman Russ, who loudly proclaimed to the rest of their group. "LO, IT SEEMS HE IS BESTING A MIGHTY FELL-BEAST WITH ONLY HIS HAND!!!" Surprisingly enough, Bjorn has proven diplomatic skills, managing to avoid a war between the Space Wolves and Inquisition, after current Great Wolf, Logan Grimnar killed a Lord Inquisitor for ordering his men to fire upon civilians. An astounding feat, as none have ever convinced the Inquisition to rescind an order of Excommunicate Traitoris before, and none have since. All in all, Bjorn can be best described in 5 words "Gumpy, Vicious, Randy Old Sod." Annoyed that he is forced to spend his time in a stasis pod, being woken up every millenium to tell the young ones what a great guy Leman Russ was, and not being allowed to go back to battle. Quote ~ "Do you have any idea how pissing annoying it is that every time I go to sleep, I wake up to find more Wolf crap has been loaded onto me?! I can barely move anymore!!!" Abilities/Weapons: Immense Combat Experience: Was a warrior for the Space Wolves for over 10,000 years and showed his immense combat prowess on many occasions, most notably during the Battle of The Fang, in which he faced a Daemon Primarch in single combat and managed to drive the Demonic Demi-God into retreat. Immense wealth of wisdom: Bjorn is the oldest living thing in the Imperium, apart from The Immortal God Emperor himself. Meaning that he has been around some of the wisest and has learned much. Bjorns words have been known to shape the future of the galaxy, so heed his advice. Dreadnought Body: Due to his age, his physical body withered away millenia ago, as such, his battered and beaten body was placed into the large mechanical body that preserved his remains whilst keeping his mind in-tact. This body was created using some of the most advanced technologies in the Imperium, far more advanced than the standard Dreadnought, which allowed him to remain sane and intact for almost 9500 years since he was first put in it. Trueclaw: The large claw on his right arm, it is known for it's speed and deadliness. It also has a flamethrower built into the underside of it. Hellfrost Cannon: A large cannon mounted onto his chassis instead of a left arm. It fires a beam of energy that is approximately -4000 degrees. Wolf Amulet: An amulet with a shield generator built into it. Deflects most small arms fire, and can take the occasional Lascannon shot as well. Smoke Launchers: Built onto the top of his frame, allows him to pop smoke and make him harder to hit from ranged fire. Searchlights: A large pair of searchlights either side of his Smoke launcher, allows him to light up the dark. Backstory: Mostly un-known, due to most imperium records from around the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy being lost. The first currently recorded mention of Bjorn in Imperial records occurs towards the end of the Great Crusade, when he was picked by Lord Leman Russ himself to be part of his pack, after Bjorn had showed a lot of promise in battle. Bjorn took part in the Burning of Prospero, during which time he was infected by a Malefictum, but was saved only by having the infected arm cut off by one of Lord Russ' Custodes. He recovered quickly, but the Space Wolves were unable to reach Terra in time to defend her from the Chaos forces final assault. After the Final Battle, Russ left the Space Wolves and ventured into the Eye of Terror to find his corrupted brothers and end them, taking with him, only his most trusted of battle brothers, leaving Bjorn behind as Great Wolf in his stead. His heroic career at the head of the Space Wolves ended during a raid against a fortress during the Proxima Rebellion in 934.M31, when he was so severely wounded and crippled that he was beyond the aid of the chapter's Apothecaries, and his paralyzed body was transplanted within a Dreadnought. Over the following five hundred years he remained at the forefront of battle. Eventually however, the long years took their toll on the warrior, and he began spending longer and longer periods dormant in stasis sleep. The first particularly notable time he was awoken from stasis currently known of was during the first Battle of the Fang in M32. At this time, as part of a scheme to permanently deny the Space Wolves the ability to produce Successor Chapters, as well as gain a measure of revenge for the Burning of Prospero, the Thousand Sons invaded Fenris, the homeworld of the Space Wolves. Before falling on the world, Magnus had ensured that the bulk of the Space Wolves Chapter would be off-planet; The Fang was defended by only one Great Company of Adeptus Astartes, as well as their serfs and mortal soldiery. Also present were several of the Space Wolves' Dreadnoughts, chief amongst whom was Bjorn the Fell-Handed. Under orders from Jarl Greyloc, Bjorn was awoken, and the first Great Wolf charged headlong into the fray, rallying the severely outnumbered Space Wolves, destroying countless Thousand Sons and crippling the Daemon Primarch, Magnus The Red. Bjorn now spends his time in the Space Wolves mighty fortress, The Fang, in suspended animation. He is awoken every 1000 years so that he may tell stories of old, and is awoken on special occasions, or during times of great emergency. Faction: Factionless **** Name: Ryuko Matoi Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: ![]( Canon, AU, or OC?: AU Universe of Origin: Kill La Kill Personality: Ryuko has a relatively simple personality: fierce, stubborn and fearless. She is determined to strive for her goals without any fear of the reprocussions of what might happen because of it, choosing to take every situation as it comes. Abilities/Weapons: [Senketsu:]( Senketsu is a living weapon, a school uniform that is made out of Life Fibers, a mysterious form of thread that grants limitless power to those who wear it. By just wearing him, there is an increase to overall speed, strength, toughness and almost all physical abilities. However, Senketsu can release his form by drinking the blood of his wearer. When released, he takes on a new, skin-tight form that boosts the wearers abilities over 100 fold. He is also able to identify abilities and create defenses against them, by changing the uniform in a multitude of different ways. Such as, his [Senjin]( form, in which he produces blades all across the uniform to protect against physical opponents. His [Shippu]( form grants his user mach-speed flight. He is also able to combine these forms as his wearer wills. [Senketsu Kisaragi:]( Senketsu Kisaragi is Senketsu's ultimate form, becoming a bright golden glowing figure. In this form, the users abilities are magnified beyond measure and is granted flight, however, this form can only be attained by absorbing vast amounts of Life Fibers. Scissor Blades: Her swords, a pair of scissor like blades that are made of solid Life Fibers. Remarkable strength: Even without Senketsu, Ryuko has shown an almost superhuman level of strength. Master Swordswoman: Ryuko is able to weild her blades with incredible ease and skill, even without much training. Skilled Tactician: Ryuko has shown on multiple occasions that she is not only able to overpower opponents, but also figure out their weakness and a way to exploit it. Backstory: (Spoiler free, nothing in here is information not present in the first 3 episodes) Ryuko's mother is initially presumed to have died after she was born and her relationship with her father, Isshin Matoi, was strained. Ryuko spent her early childhood living in the dorms of Ox Elementary School as her father focused solely on his studies. Without parental guidance Ryuko became a juvenile delinquent, constantly getting into fights and even going so far as to join a gang. Six months before enrolling at Honnōji Academy she received a message from her father and returned to her home only to find him bleeding to death with a red Scissor Blade plunged into his chest. Isshin told her up front that if she wanted to live a peaceful life, that she should get up and walk away, but if she wanted to 'fight' in his place she should take the blade, for as long as she had it she would surely be able to find his killer. Before Isshin could provide Ryuko with further information she caught sight of a shadowy female figure out of the corner of her eye wielding the other half of the Scissor Blade. Ryuko dashed outside the house but was unable to apprehend the fleeing woman. Before she could get back in an explosive device of some kind detonated and lit the house ablaze. Ryuko watched in horror, screaming for her father, but to no avail. Vowing revenge Ryuko became a wandering vagrant looking for clues behind the killer's identity and whereabouts. Ryuko managed to track her fathers killer to Honnouji Academy, and the Student Body Presedent, Satsuki Kiryuin, who supposedly had information that she required. After a thorough beating by the head of the school Boxing team, she was forced to retreat to her fathers house to lick her wounds. There, she found his underground base and the being that was to become her long time friend and partner, Senketsu. Senketsu was a living uniform that demanded blood in return for unfathomable power. After returning to Honnouji and thoroughly defeating the Boxing team captain, she enrolled in the academy in an attempt to fight her way to the top. She began living with her friend Mako Mankanshoku, a girl with a giant heart and seemingly limitless energy. The Over the next few months, Ryuko's world was turned upside down as the truth to her fathers killing, as well as the rest of her family would come to light. After the debacle was sorted, Ryuko and Senketsu finally managed to have a normal life. Faction: Factionless