Welcome to your new jobs as monster hunters, ladies and gentleman. You're our replacements for the last hunter team that got themselves killed doing a job that was too hard for them. Well, good luck! Co-GM: (PM me and we can discuss whether you'll make a good Co-GM for me) Rules: 1. No godmodding(because everyone knows the monster hunter games are a pain in the ass), and if your characters fight each other, no autohitting, and NO KILLING EACH OTHER WITHOUT PERMISSION!! Jeez...enough hunters die on missions already without having to kill each other... 2. No fighting in my OC! If you wanna fight, do it outside! 3. Have Fun! ^^ Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Style: (Blademaster or Gunner) Weapon of Choice: (Sword/Shield, Dual Swords, Great Sword, Long Blade, Lance, Gunlance, Bow, Hammer, Hunting Horn, or Gunbow) Heavy/Light(gunbow users only): Appearance: Other: