And to think that the day had started out with the potential to be something good, only to turn into a shit-storm of weirdness. Heaving a sigh she abandoned all sense of reason. "Fuck it!" She exclaimed. "I'm going in. Maybe it'll lead us back home." So Sophia sat down at the edge of the hole and felt around with her feet. From what she could tell the tunnel gently curved downward. She slid into the hole and started to skooch down into the tunnel until she was all the way in. Looking back up toward the light and at Tim she asked, "You coming?" Heaving a sigh of his own Tim followed after her. Together they descended the tunnel. Eventually the tunnel started to ascend slightly and Sophia started to crawl upward. Fortunately it was a gentle slope and not hard to traverse. Finally Sophia saw light. She crawled toward it, hoping that it would lead them home and not somewhere weirder. When she popped out of the hole she felt wet grass beneath her. Sophia looked around and found that instead of appearing in the ranger's station, they had come out behind it. She quickly crawled out the hole and hoped that no one would come around and find them. At least she could hear them on the other side. That in itself was a relief. She then helped Tim out of the hole. It disappeared as soon as he was free of it. Sophia shook her head vigorously. She was really beginning to wonder if she was seeing things. Sophia motioned for Tim to stay silent and the two carefully crept away from the ranger's station back to the parking lot where they found her car exactly where they had left it.