**The Stillwood Incident** ![Stillwood House](http://i.imgur.com/EDQ76rZ.jpg?1) Stillwood House is shrouded in mystery. Located deep within Stillwood forest and far off the beaten track, it is believed to have been abandoned for decades. Terrifying tales of witchcraft, sacrifices and hauntings have been passed down from generation to generation yet still no one is quite sure just what goes on within the walls of the property. Despite the numerous disappearances of hikers and occasionally children, Stillwood house is overlooked by the authorities. In fact, it is ignored by anyone who knows of its existence. Until now, that is. A group of paranormal investigators take it upon themselves to find out exactly what goes on in Stillwood forest. Left in the dark by the occupants of a village situated nearby to the Stillwood estate, the group find themselves facing a far bigger task than they could ever have imagined. What will they find, and will all of them escape alive? --- I've deliberately left the description vague as I want the direction of this rp to be decided as much by me as its participants, and I want details to emerge throughout. I'm looking for a small group of people to join me on the exploration of Stillwood House and its grounds. Gender isn't an issue, but each member of the investigative team should have their own unique skill to bring to the table. My character, for example, will be the cameraman (and I'm fine with there being a second cameraman if anyone is interested.) I am keen on having a psychic in the group, so feel free to take that role. If there is a lack of interest in this part of the forum, I will put this thread in casual as well, as - while I believe the standard for this rp will be more advanced - high casual is fine with me.