Only half listening to the exchange between the demon and the serving girl Amano vaguely wonders why anyone would want peel in their food, on purpose, but is far too distracted at the moment to actually ask. He doesn't notice his shoulders beginning to slouch, his spine beginning to curl, and by the time his elbows hit the table he's very much the image of what he always looks like when a bunch of people can see him, and are looking in his direction to boot. Because looking they are. Something about the exotic looking man at his table seems to catch the attention of just about every person in the room be it a jealous woman glaring at his beauty or an ensnared youth gazing fondly at the hellspawn in mortal form. He is not left to muse very long however as Illiendi addresses him soon after the server leaves and almost on instinct he pulls himself straight again and flushes as he notices how much he'd slipped into his old habit of hiding in less than a couple minutes. He coughs lightly, trying to ignore all the staring eyes. Even if they are mostly on Illiendi, the ones that are shot his way are all less than pleasant. He glances over the tables, the rows of eyes more than enough to make him want to hide again. _'They ether envy me, or admire me, and either is enough to make me want to hide in the nearest fish barrel'_ He lets out a faint sigh and looks back at Illiendi. “Nothing's wrong, I'm just. . .I'm not use to the attention. You know, being the youngest and all. . .” He lets out another sigh before checking himself over and cringing as he notices that he is indeed rather smudged in places. “Not to mention I look like I was just crawling around in an alley.” He's exaggeration, his skin and clothes only lightly marked here and there, but in his usual fashion he looks at himself through his father's never satisfied eyes. Following Illiendi's line of sight he gazes bitterly out the window, wondering vaguely what his father would think of him eating in such a nice place looking “Like common street trash”.