Duncan tried not to smirk as Jericho led Gracelyn out of the bunker. While the assignment was little more than a joke, he had in fact given them the best of the work at hand, or at least the least worst; the rest of them would be setting up camp bed and clearing the plumbing all night... Just as he was about to begin giving out work assignments, one of the others spoke up. While he doubted that Freya had met many of the others in the team, Duncan himself had spent some time examining her dossier before adding her to the roster; he had after all handpicked his entire team this time around, a rare treat. Her tutors had marked Freya as an excellent melee fighter with a strong moral compass; she would be useful as a foil to other members of the team who were possessed of less scruples. That manner of speech though... He paused for a long moment after she finished talking, mentally translating as best he could. **'I... I'm sorry, I have no idea what you just said. Give me one minute and I'll, wait shi- the hell Xerox?'** Before he could finish what he was saying, his ex-student has fielded an entire rifle at Duncan's face. It took a few moments to get a handle on the gun's unique design, but along with Xerox' explanation he soon had it figured out. The paramagic intake system was simple enough and the sighting system not too dissimilar to his current rifle. _I might actually be able to hit stuff with this,_ he marvelled. **'You never cease to amaze me mate. You ought to patent this y'know. The Galbadian Army uses a similar system in their mechs and airships, but they've never been able to miniaturise the system; a weapon like this, if mass-produced could change the face of modern warfare... and make GFs almost obsolete. Thank you, I will use it well. Probably.'** It was only after thanking Xerox that Duncan realised his benefactor had already wandered off. Frustrating, but by now expected of Xerox; the guy was a mad scientist at heart. Turning back to Freya with an apologetic smile, Duncan tried to resume his mental translation. After a few seconds, he hoped he had the gist of what she had said. **'A gift is one way of looking at it, but don't worry; I requested that you be on this mission. Your skills and attitude are well suited for it, in a way.'** _At least for the daytime missions,_ he thought cynically. **'Luckily there's not much for us to do here; I brought a couple of techy guys to finish the hard work, all we've got to do is make it more homely... well, and we've got to sort the toilet out...'** He grimaced, remembering how foul the tiny cubicle had been when he checked it earlier. A stray thought struck. **'Kein, clean up room T1 on the floor plan, will you?'** Kein's nonchalant acceptance of the order made it clear that he hadn't seen the room yet. **'In the meantime, shall we look at the comms room? I'd like to signal our contact soon.'** As he beckoned the others to follow, a despairing scream could be heard from the direction of the toilet.