Hello and welcome to my first text based rp on these forums. If you join. you can choose to either wield the powers of Magic, controlling the elements and dabbling in dark magics much like Shamans or Warlocks. Or you could choose the path of the Technological, wielding powerful weaponry, robotic enhancements and such. Which ever path you choose will effect the outcome of the end of the RP. You either choose the Magic-born or Technology. If you have any questions or advice, please feel free to give i and Thank You for reading. ### Lore Due to gravitational disruption during a celestial event, Valkeir is now at an eternal standstill, resulting in one half of the planet being a scorching hot desert where the sun never sets. Whereas the other half is yet another frozen wasteland shrouded in constant darkness, where the only form of light in that wretched place is the light reflecting off it's moons; vice versa for the blazing side.. the only reprisal from the searing sun is the occasional passing of the moons. Both sides are habitable for people, though they have adapted in many ways 'evolving' new abilities and noticeable features to aid them in coping in harsh conditions. A large majority of the cities, villages and such are located on the equator of Valkier, seeing that that's the most stable place on the planet. Valkier may have come to a standstill, but it's moons keep on circulating. The Frozen side of Valkier is named Ba'luure. The Desert side of Valkier is Karu, meanwhile the equator of Valkier is simply called 'The Belt', simple names for a simple planet. Valkier is inhabited by both Magic and Technology, though not everyone is Magic-born, and those that were are now segregated from the Non-users, otherwise known as the 'Dull'. Two separate societies, Magic and Non-magic have been at eachother's throats for generations and only recently a world-wide war has broken out, brother turned against brother as a mass slaughter began, each side fights for territory across Valkier. Because of these events the entire planet was thrown into chaos, however.. two gargantuan Sanctuary cities emerged out of the chaos. The first city being named "One", located in the northern region of Valkier, and the second city being named "Three" for reasons unknown located in the southern region of Valkier, Three being the city controlled by the Magic-born and One being in control of a politically neutral government, allowing both Magic-born and Dull in to live freely and away form the war. Rumors have spread across the planet of "Two" being somewhere buried somewhere around Karu as an abandoned refuge, decorated with siege weaponry and magical traps. ### Rules 1. Don't be too overpowered please 2. Be as realistic as you can in terms of your survival situation. You no longer have the comfort of a warm home. 3. No Meta-gaming. (e.g. Seeing through walls, hearing people across the map or knowing someones name without meeting them.) 4. Inactivity = Removal 5. Lets keep it PG-13 6. If your character dies, you may create another one. 7. You can have as many characters as you wish, and if they die you can create even more. ### App [Image Optional] - Name - - Race - - Gender - - Age - - Small Description - - [Optional] - Weight - - Height - - Affiliation - - Birthday -