Well, with the help of the others, all the decorations had been set up, the tables and chairs had been placed in the correct arrangement too. All that was left was for anybody who need to has to set up their own stall. Keita smiled and clapped her hands together softly trying to gesture a celebration that they had finished and she was being thankful. Thinking, she wondered how she could thank them. (Yay! We've finished! I couldn't have done it without you guys! ... Hm... How Could I repay you?...) A light bulb went off in her head. She could invite them to the bar tomorrow and sing for them, some entertainment and drink is the least she could do. She pointed at the duo, then performed some gestures symbolizing the day after today, the bar and her singing. (You both should come over to the bar tomorrow night, I can get you some free drinks. I'll be singing so request a song!) Keita tiled her and smiled. She wondered where the mayor was... The festival doesn't become official without him.